09 November 2022
Iniziative (EN) -
Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
The Secretary-General of the "United States of the World" Prof. Michele Capasso participated - at the invitation of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany - in the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The official ceremony took place at the Berlin Wall Memorial on Beranuer Straße, in the presence - among others - of the Mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, and Claudia Roth, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.
The Belarusian choir Volny performed in the memorial and the Chapel of Reconciliation on the former "death strip".
In addition, around 200 students from Germany, France and Norway discussed the significance of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The Mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, said: "The day reminds us, especially in these days, to recognise the value of freedom and to accept the responsibility that comes with it."
Secretary General Capasso - after laying a wreath - recalled his presence in Berlin on 9 November 1989 stating: "We must keep alive the memory of the suffering caused for decades by the Wall and the regime that spawned it: at the same time, we must be proud of what has been achieved from 1989 to the present day through the joint efforts of East and West. The United States of the World has always supported this indispensable process of peace and reconciliation, which must be set as an example in neighbouring Ukraine, the victim of an unjust and senseless invasion".
Concluding his speech, the SG recalled the words of St. John Paul II in support of the United States of the World: "Freedom means doing what you must".