In architecture -in cinema, in literature, in the sciences, in the arts and so on- a "prize" indicates the distinctiveness of an author or a work: ambitious acknowledgments also because in the Jury called to attribute them, different theses and opinions are compared. The "Architecture and City" and "City of Dialogue” awards are promoted by two distinct organizations which launch them in different geographical areas: the former is promoted by the “Cenacolo della Cultura e delle Scienze” in the territories where the civilization of Magna Grecia was born, the root of Roman and European culture; the latter is promoted by the “Fondazione Mediterraneo” in countries overlooking the Mediterranean. However, they have similar objectives: they were born to stimulate integration projects -in the different meanings of the term- and to favour the formation of places of social condensation.
They do not therefore have the ambition to point out perfect or exemplary buildings, but projects that bring gifts to the context; contributions to spaces of freedom, socialization, relationship, integration. Transdisciplinary actions that contribute to introducing new "places of social condensation" in urban contexts.
These "prizes" (with the collaboration of “Civilizzare l’Urbano - ETS) are characterized by three peculiarities:

  • they select interventions that generate positive transformations, that is, that propose themselves as acupuncture
  • they concern specific territorial areas and concrete projects
  • above all they stimulate us to deepen and develop a specific cultural line

They experience risky paths, with uncertain outcomes, but full of expectations and potential because they are aimed at articulating, and linking to the different memories of individual places, similar hopes of living environments and coherent human behavior. In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, these "prizes" have the ambition to give birth to the desire for a different future.
In a certain sense, therefore, I am also a "poster": they indirectly promote interventions that contribute to "Civilizing the urban" as fragments of "Contemporary Humanistic Projects" that lead the construction back to its primary purpose.
They avoid interpretations that reduce architecture in search of new languages. Instead, they push for interest to prevail for topological relationships, for the reinforcement of the form, for "building according to principles".


In full compliance with the rules of distancing and protection for Covid 19, the award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Award 2020" was held at the headquarters of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, which inaugurated the celebratory activities for the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo .
Recognized among the most important awards thanks also to the quality of the juries representing 43 Euro-Mediterranean countries, this edition of the Award hosted the award ceremony of the biennial "Architecture and City" Award promoted by the Cenacle of culture and science.
The prizes were awarded to Carlo Cuomo Associati for the refurbishment of the Santa Teresa beach in Salerno, with which he created a hinge anchored to the city and facing the sea and the profile of the maritime station designed by Zaha Hadid Architects: the success of he work is attested by the great attendance of the place by the people.
The juries had the power to assign special mentions at their discretion. The Sicilian work of Emanuele Fidone was awarded for "Architecture and city" who, between Ortigia and Modica, works on the edges, light, voids and matter, weaving relationships with the surrounding urban setting; Michelangelo Pugliese's work on the largely Calabrian landscape, who through nature always seeks a mending of the existing openings, redesigning the topography of the ground and restoring public spaces to the community; the work that Angelo Verderosa's studio has been carrying out for years for the recovery of the village of Cairano in Upper Irpinia, offering a concrete response to the theme of the regeneration of inland areas that is being talked about (perhaps too much and only) in Italy today.
Among those present the president of the Order of Engineers of Naples prof. Edoardo Cosenza, the members of the jury, the winners, prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra - creator of the Award - and representatives of the academic, artistic and cultural world of the Mediterranean.
The artist Ciccio Merolla performed in a concert of "Music for Peace"

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The public meeting for the presentation of the Call is scheduled for 10.30 on Saturday 11 December 2019 at Museum of Peace - MAMT - Naples Square Municipio.
A brief explanatory note is in n. 1/2020 of "Le Carré Bleu" - A travers la Méditerranée - freely downloadable from
The images attached in the "news" on this website are only for references, ideas, reflections.

Nominations, divided into two categories:

  • realized interventions
  • interventions approved but not yet realized

are to be documented with no more than

  • 3 printouts suitable for printing (A1 horizontal format, max 10MB each) containing data relating to the extent and timing of the intervention, graphical diagrams and images, descriptive report max 1,000 words Arial 12, designer and client names
  • max 3 'movie

Candidates - prior registration by March 30, 2020 (see attached facsimile) - must reach This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 30, 2020.

The Jury - composed of no less than 3 and no more than 5 members, mostly non-architects - will complete its work by 10 July 2020 for the awarding of the Prizes (one for each category) and any mentions.
The Jury has the faculty to assign "special mentions" to autonomously selected interventions, that is, not among the applications received.

  • Prof. Luca Guido, architect, Cosenza
  • Prof. Giampaolo Nuvolati, sociologist, Milano
  • Prof. Roberto Purrello, chemist - president of the High school of Catania
  • Dr. Massimo Rossi, doctor - responsible for UTIC Hospital of Locri
  • Davide Vargas, architect, Naples

The "Cenacle of Culture and Sciences" - with the support of "Civilizing the Urban ETS" and the Patronage of "Le Carré Bleu, feuille internationale d'architecture" - promotes the Biennial Award "Architecture and City ”To be attributed to interventions in the southern regions and island.
The Award assigns awards, but above all it is born to stimulate processes of transformation of living environments that favor the introduction or strengthening of "places of social condensation" in urban areas: they can derive from extensive regenerations or even from a simple construction.
Therefore, the Award does not look for single perfect or exemplary buildings, but interventions that bring a gift to the context and contribute to the creation of spaces of freedom, socialization, relationship.
The Award, given to the client's representative and to the design team in the person of his group leader, consists of a "plaque" and an original work produced by Aldo Cesar Fagà, an artist from Sicilian origins whose studies are crossed by the spirit and by the thought of where the civilization of Magna Grecia was born, the root of European culture.
The awarding ceremony will take place in the Church of S. Francesco in Gerace, at 18.30 on Saturday 18 July 2020.
The publication of the Prize is foreseen on websites and in the press.