Complete list of events

Organized by the REMDH and the Euromed Platform Civil Society - which includes among the Founders, the Mediterranean Foundation - was held in Brussels this important event at this particular moment in history and political.
Among the participants in the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and European Commission Vice President Catherine Ashton and European Commissioner Stefan Fule.
For the Fondazione Mediterraneo participates Vice-President prof. Caterina Arcidiacono, a member of the Board of Directors of the Euromed Platform, which he read to the participants in the APPEAL FOR SYRIA prepared by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and addressed to President Obama, at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg and the day of prayer for peace in Syria established by Pope Francis for Saturday, September 7, 2013.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo was one of the partners at the 6th World Urban Forum, collaborating in particular with the Women’s Assembly and the Youth Assembly.

For this occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo organized and held other international events to further strengthen the international standing of the City of Naples.

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The World Urban Forum organized a “Women’s Round Table”, on the theme of actions for the economic development of women in cities.  Within the frame work of this meeting, guidelines were developed on the basis of the Gender Equality Action Assembly (GEAA) in relation to the active policies to be adopted. The working sessions involved the participation of grass roots organizations, experts and academics on the subject who collaborate with the UN.

This type of event in Naples is an opportunity for our Region and country to contribute to the network of organizations that work towards empowerment of women through the promotion of exchanges and by giving voice to  the need for employment and decision-making of women in the South. 
The FONDAZIONE MEDITERRANEO was a major partner at this event and Caterina Arcidiacono introduced the work of the Round Table emphasizing that “gender inequalities and obstacles to the active presence of women are two still very widespread problems in urban areas. Prosperity in cities does not necessarily lead to a more equitable distribution of resources between men and women. Women contribute significantly to the economic wealth of cities, but tend to benefit less from the wealth they generate. To accelerate the achievement of Millennium Development Goals, increased gender equality,  empowerment of women and youths is essential; the economic well-being of women and gender equality in a broad sense are closely connected to all development-related themes. Both ownership or control of productive activities (such as land and dwellings) have the advantages, among others, of accelerating development, contributing to overcoming poverty and reducing inequality”.

On that occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo organized and carried out other in

For this occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo organized and held other international events to further strengthen the international standing of the City of Naples.

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The 6th World Urban Forum organised in Naples by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) also aimed at promoting the role of women as actors in the development of cities. To this end, 2 September 2012 was dedicated to the Gender Equality Action Assembly (GEAA).

The GEAA discussed the progress made and challenges that remain for the implementation of the Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) outlining the strategic actions and their political implications. This plan sets out the guidelines that guarantee women and men more equitable access to public resources and services. Moreover, the promote equal participation of women in all aspects of town planning. Within the framework of its stated objectives, a debate was held on sustainable way of moving forward towards the attainment of economic empowerment of women in cities and guidelines were laid down on the policies to be adopted.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo participated in and collaborated with the World Urban Forum and in particular with the day’s activities dedicated to women and young people.
In this context, a meeting was held at the la Fondazione Mediterraneo  with the participation  of institutional representatives from the city and region, during which President Capasso illustrated the twenty-year history of activities dedicated to women. He hopes that they would be fully active in creating networks capable of implement the policies required to protect women and human rights.
The participants included the Provincial Councillor Giovanna del Giudice and Naples City Councillor Pina Tommaselli.

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