12 February 2011
Parent Category: Attività (EN) -
Category: Youths
The Liceo Scientifico Da Procida, the INTERACT CLUB Salerno and the INNER WHEEL Salerno presented the conference Mediterranean and youth: from the desert to the web which took place on February the 12th at the Aula magna of the liceum.
Michele Capasso president of Fondazione Mediterraneo was the moderator. Through the internet, Capasso put a connection with students in Morocco. Protagonist of many peace-events in the Mediterranean areas, Capasso told his own experiences around the world, promoting the project of the Totem for Peace.
The conference was organized by the president of INTERACT CLUB Salerno, Chiara Picarone together with the president of INNER WHEEL Salerno Marianna Bortone Blasi. The Principal of the Liceo Da Procida, prof. Antonio Vairo and representants from the CLUB ROTARY of Salerno also took part to the event.