All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

On the occasion of the thirty-year anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the president Michele Capasso met Taieb Baccouche, Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union, who expressed his appreciation for the work carried out by the Foundation and by President Capasso recalling the opening in Naples of the “Casa del Arab Maghreb ”in 2012 with the participation of then-Secretary General Habib Ben Yaya.

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On the occasion of the thirty-year anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo the president Michele Capasso met Amr Musa, former Secretary General of the League of Arab States and assignee of the Mediterranean Award in 2006, which expressed appreciation for the work carried out by the Foundation recalling the ancient friendship with the president Capasso.

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On the occasion of the thirty-year anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the president Michele Capasso met with Tokia Afféda Saïfi, former Minister of the French Republic and European parliamentarian, who expressed appreciation for the work carried out by the Foundation recalling the ancient friendship with President Capasso.

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On the occasion of the thirty-year anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo the president Michele Capasso met the President of the Republic of Malta George Vella who expressed appreciation for the work carried out by the Foundation recalling the ancient friendship with President Capasso and a visit to the Peace Museum - MAMT and to the Totem for Peace by the sculptor Molinari.

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On the occasion of the thirty-year anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the president Michele Capasso met with the dott. Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain, president of the "Abdulaziz Saud Albabtain Cultural Foundation" which is also thirty years old.
The dott. Abdulaziz Albabtain expressed his appreciation for the work carried out by the Foundation, recalling its old friendship with President Capasso and visiting the Peace Museum - MAMT and the Totem for Peace by sculptor Molinari.

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