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Franco Rol - distant cousin, witness and main extraordinary biographer of Gustavo Adolfo Rol (inspirer of the United States of the World) - with great generosity has made 4 full-bodied volumes on a fundamental phase of Gustavo Adolfo Rol's life available for all to read online. At the same time, he has made them available in a broader horizon, which also includes the controversy on the existence or non-existence of the so-called paranormal phenomena, on which there has been a debate for centuries without there still being an effective and accepted scientific demonstration.
It took 4 volumes of over 1,800 pages in total, in addition to the 2,700 of the previous 6 (the first 3 on Rol's phenomenology classified and commented, the other 3 on mainly unpublished or little-known texts and writings and contextual analysis, from the 1940s to 1977).
These new volumes collect a huge amount of unpublished information and analysis, documentary material on Rol and not only. They also analyse the genesis of the myth, because it is a myth, of "magic Turin", which no one has previously studied carefully and which arose at the beginning of the 1970s on the wave of the parapsychology and paranormal boom following the participation of Massimo Inardi, who had met Rol and held him in great esteem, in Mike Bongiorno's "Rischiatutto".
In the intentions of the author and writer Franco Rol, these volumes will be a first great tombstone on the sepulchre of the sceptics, or rather, of the sceptic-negationists, with a CRITICISM TO CRITICISM not on the level of faith or belief, but on that of reason and a correct investigative and ultimately scientific approach.
The "Rol case" represents a formidable paradigm at the precise point of convergence between science and religion, reason and intuition, intellect and heart.

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The United States of the World and the Museum of Peace celebrated the "Day of Memory and Commitment in Remembrance of the Victims of the Mafia".
The Secretary General of the United States of the World and President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, was moved and emphasised the high symbolic significance of the day. He accompanied various groups of students on an emotional journey through the Museum, starting from the murder of Piersanti Mattarella to that of Don Diana: in the dedicated spaces, he recalled the familiarity with Don Peppe, the familiarity with mum Jolanda, with Don Luigi Ciotti and the gift made by the family to the Museum of Peace: the chasuble, the breviary and many other cherished memories of Don Peppe.
A delegation from the United States of the World took part in the march organised by Don Ciotti's "Libera" association in Rome.

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On 19 March, the 30th anniversary of the death of Don Peppe Diana was celebrated at the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace MAMT. In the itinerary dedicated to him - with precious gifts made to the Museum by his family - the main stages of his life were retraced. The theme of the 30th anniversary chosen by the Museum was one of his phrases: "There is no need to be heroes, it is enough to find the courage to be afraid, the courage to make choices and to denounce".
Over 1,000 visitors, mostly young people, continued to spread Don Peppe's message: "FOR THE LOVE OF HIS PEOPLE".
The Secretary-General Michele Capasso recalled the affectionate friendship with Mamma Jolanda, with Don Luigi Ciotti and with Don Peppe's siblings Marisa and Emilio.

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Paolo Damasio (aka Mixo) and Luca De Gennaro - radio presenters of RADIOCAPITAL with a very popular daily programme - visited the Museum of Peace MAMT and, in particular, the sections dedicated to Pio Daniele and Mario Molinari, on the occasion of their live broadcast from the United States of the World.
On this occasion Paolo "Mixo" recalled his long-standing sincere friendship with Pino Daniele and the exchange of acquaintances. Mixo is not only a musician with an important past.
Particularly moving was Paolo "Mixo's" recollection of Gustavo Rol - the creator of the United States of the World - who had his house close to Mixo's family home - and the sculptor Mario Molinari: a coincidence that he also emphasised in his interview with President Capasso.

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