All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

At the Museum of Peace - MAMT thousands of streaming connections for the celebration of the 2nd national day in memory of the victims of the Corinavirus. Two years ago, on 18 March 2020, Italy faced one of its darkest days: around 3,000 victims of Covid-19 nationwide.
At the same time, in Bergamo, dozens of army trucks were taking the coffins of the dead, which the city, by then close to collapse, could no longer contain, to the crematoriums of nearby towns.
The initiative is intended to 'preserve and renew the memory of all those who died as a result of this epidemic'.

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The President of the TAR Campania Vincenzo Salamone visited the seat of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and other international institutions with the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Accompanied by his wife Angela, the Secretary General Gianfranco Vastarella and other officials, he visited the main emotional paths expressing his gratitude for "the wonderful experience, very emotional and unique in telling the culture, politics and religions of the world".
Welcomed by Foundation President Michele Capasso and Museum Director Pia Molinari, the guests watched the video of the Foundation's thirtieth anniversary.

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General Ignazio Gibilaro, Inter-Regional Commander of Southern Italy of the Guardia di Finanza, received a sample of the "Tricolored Totem for Peace" created on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
The ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Interregional Command in Naples in the presence of the President of the Fondazione Mediterrano Michele Capasso and the Director of the Museum of Peace - MAMT Pia Molinari.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Anna Lindh Italia Federation support Alis and the first edition of "LET EXPO - LOGISTIC ECO TRANSPORT TRADE SHOW".
205 exhibitors, over 50,000 visitors, more than 1000 students, 100 moments of confrontation, 250 speakers.
"This is an important occasion, said President Michele Capasso, because logistics does not only transport goods: cultures, knowledge, freedom and democracy travel with goods. It is estimated that transport in the Mediterranean could double in the next few years. We must seize this opportunity not only to strengthen economic, but above all cultural, social and human exchanges".

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