All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Friday 14 october 2011, at 16, with a ceremony at Chivasso City Civic Theatre, has been inaugurated the monumental artwork of Mario Molinari titled by "Penetration in a Chivasso". 
In this occasion will be commemorated the great international sculptor, author, among others, of the TOTEM FOR PEACE which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is installing all over the world. The plaque and the inauguration of monumental work will take place at 17 at Rotonda della Statale in Turin.









The president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari – member of board of Fondazione – met the General Secretary of Union for Mediterranean the Ambassador Youssef Amrani.

During the meeting had been analysed the most important issues about Euro Mediterranean policies in the aftermath of “ Arab spring events”

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The Mediterranean Award “Silver Dolphin” 2011 has been assigned to Senen Florenza (Spain), for his efforts for dialogue and peace.
The Awards Ceremony took place in Barcelona on 7 october 2011 in Pedralbes Palace, headquarter of Union for Mediterranean (UfM) –at the presence of General Secretar of UfM Youssef Amrani.
The award has been given by Michele Capasso– president of Fondazione Mediterraneo- and by Roberto Aliboni.


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The "Mediterranean Culture Award 2011" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" was attributed to Prof. Bichara Khader (Palestine) for his action in favour of dialogue and peace.
The awarding ceremony was held in Barcelona on October 7th 2011 at Pedralbes Palace – seat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) – in the presence of UpM Secretary General Youssef Amrani.
The award was given by Pia Molinari – member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo – and by the Moroccan ambassador to Italy Hassan Abouyoub.

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The Euromesco annual conference entitled A new Mediterranean political landscape? was held in Barcelona, in the seat of the Union for the Mediterranean.
The Arab Spring and Euro-Mediterranean relations
The Fondazione Mediterraneo, member of Euromesco since 2006, participated in the Assembly with President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, member of the board: in their interventions they stressed the urgency to give space to young people through a less academic language so that they may easily understand the analyses and strategies wished by the Countries of the Southern Shore protagonists of “Arab Spring”.

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