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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso met with Abdelaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director General of ISESCO - Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which has its seat in Rabat and with which the Fondazione signed a Protocol of Understanding for the promotion of culture in Islamic countries.
On that occasion, the Director General, Altwaijri expressed his appreciation for the activities of the Fondazione by giving his support to the Totem for Peace and acknowledging it as ISESCO’s symbol for culture and science.
The Moroccan Minister for Solidarity, Women, the Family and Social Development Bassima Hakkaoui, also attended the meeting.


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The President Capasso is member of special event in association with UNESCO and ISESCO: Honorary Chair & Keynote Speaker the First Lady of Azerbaijan Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. Guest Speakers Mr. Larry king, CNN (USA), the First Lady of Niger, Montenegro, Georgia, Kenya, Macedonia ant the Ministers of State for Women’s Affairs of Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia.


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The president of the Mediterranean Foundation Michele Capasso met the president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and first lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva and the vice president Leyla Aliyeva to whom he proposed the realization of the "Totem of Peace" in Baku with the colors of the flag of Azerbaijan dedicated to the martyrs of 1992.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, was welcomed by the Italian Ambassador in Baku, Mario Baldi, during his visit to Azerbaijan.
At the meeting, a copy of the “Tricolour Totem for Peace” by the sculptor Mario Molinari, made for the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, was presented to the Italian Embassy.
On that occasion, the possibility of creating the monumental work of art was discussed, to further strengthen relations between the two countries.


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