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The “Totem of Peace” by Mario Molinari will be built in Buccino.
In the memorandum of understanding signed by President Capasso and the Mayor of Buccino, Parisi, it was agreed that the monumental work of art would be erected in the historical Town Hall of Buccino.
Molinari created this work for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.

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A memorandum of under standing was signed between the Fondazione Mediterraneo, represented by President Michele Capasso and board member Pia Molinari, and the Municipality of Buccino represented by the Mayor Nicola Parisi.
The agreement foresees, among others, the establishment of a “Mediterranean Award for Archeology” dedicated to Marcello Gigante, who was born in Buccino and who is a member of the Fondazione.

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“Naples as an example of political and administrative regeneration”: briefly stated this is the challenge thrown down by the Mayor Luigi de Magistris, which needs to be achieved at both national and international level. The Mayor stated that at a meeting in Turin, his speech on “Naples as an example of political regeneration founded on lawfulness and the common good was widely acknowledged and appreciated”.
During the debate, the more shocking aspects of the current crisis were also touched upon. President Michele Capasso reiterated that there was a renewed need for sobriety and solidarity as the basis of a new sense of civic responsibility for the common good.

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The culture exchange programme "Active Citizenship: how things work in your country" continued thanks to the involvement of organizers and participants. Foreign delegations and youths representing different European and Mediterranean countries were able to come closer together to get to know how young Italians live, focusing in particular on the relationship between youths and institutions.

From its Headquarters in Via Depretis, 130 Naples, for twenty years now the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been holding meetings in which young people can discuss the need for change and robust social commitment from young people especially in a period in which the crisis of values and customs continues to evolve at an alarming pace.

The following participants spoke at the event:
Michele Capasso – President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo
Luca Palescandolo – President of Agenzia per la Promozione dei Giovani
Pia Molinari – Director of the “Youth” sector at the Fondazione Mediterraneo
Wassyla Tamzali – writer, lawyer and member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, and an expert on youth issues and the “Arab Spring”.
Enrico Elefante – Representative from the Campania Regional Forum

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At a meeting with the Mayor of Torre Annunziata Giosuè Starita, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, director of the “Totem for Peace” project, the details were set out for the construction of and completion of the “Totem of Peace” at Torre Annunziata: its completion is foreseen for 2013.


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