All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

At the conclusion of the inauguration ceremony of the MED Forum Alf 2016 took place on Sunday 23 October 2016-from 22 and 30 at 0.30 - the first meeting between the President of the ALF Elisabeth Guigou and a large part of the leader of the national networks Alf: present the Dire Executive officer of the ALF Ambassador Hatem Atallah.
President Guigou took note of the state of discomfort of almost all the leaders-also highlighted by the intentional failure of some of them to participate in the forum of Malta-for the lack of involvement of the networks in the preparation of the forum itself and a Modest participation of the members of the networks at the event.
In addition to this, a lack of communication has been highlighted between the Alexandria Secretariat and the national networks, recalling the urgent need to revise the rules, role and functioning of the Anna LINDH Foundation and its networks, establishing whether to strengthen the role Centralist of the Fondazione Anna Lindh or the networks of the 42 countries, as foreseen in the Statute of the ALF.
President Guigou shared the generous proposal of President Capasso to host in Naples next February 2017 an "ad hoc" meeting of the leader in order to redefine the role of national networks within the ALF.

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The president of the Fondazione Anna LIndh Elisabeth Guigou and the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, on the sidelines of the Med Forum of Malta, have launched an appeal for young people to be directed towards a system of values and not of " Measures ".
The role of the media is crucial in this process.

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An ideal passage of witness, the "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari, took place on the occasion of the opening of the academic year 2016-2017 of the Pontifical Salesian University: In the sign of Antonino Caponetto.
On this occasion the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso - assignee of the Mediterranean prize for Legality 2013 - recalled his youth training at the Salesians of Palermo, urged young people not to give up in front of the difficulties of life and has Concluded by recalling the admonition of the Judge Antonino Caponetto - his master, - to keep "always the back upright".

Immediately after, connecting to the figure of Antonino Calvert and the foundation to him titrated-with which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is "Affratellata" - The President Michele Capasso has delivered the Mediterranean Prize 2016 "special Edition for Education To peace" to the major rector of the Salesians Don Ángel Fernández Artime and the Mediterranean Prize 2016 "bearer of peace" to the Rector Magnifico, Don Mauro Mantovani.

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On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the "Mediterranean Prize" was held the ceremony of the award of the "Mediterranean Prize 2016 – Special Edition for the Education of Peace", attributed to the major rector of the Salesians, Don Ángel Fernández Artime, Grand Chancellor Of the UPS, in the presence of the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso.

Considered among the most significant internationally, the prize of the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" was awarded in previous editions to important personalities such as King Juan Carlos of Spain, King Hussein of Jordan, Presidents Anibal Cavao Silva and Abu Mazen, Leah Rabin, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem FouadTwal, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, and others.
In the motivations read by the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Prof. Michele Capasso-who with Pia Molinari delivered the prize-reads:

"For the activity in favour of peace and concord among the peoples of the world, carried out by the Salesian family, especially in the places where the war rages: Here the Salesians are often the only point of reference for men and women belonging to different faiths. The rector major Don Ángel Fernández Artime is a true ' peacemaker '; With his role as guide and master of the entire Salesian family-the Salesians, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the cooperators-nourishes and spreads with humility and complicity the hope in the young people who have to confront life as ' hunters of the positive ' and Spreading the ' true ', the ' beautiful ' and the ' good ' as the foundation of civil, religious and social life. "

The major Rector expressed his gratitude on behalf of the whole Salesian family and Don Bosco for the prestigious recognition, considering it a "prize for the Future": even more imbued with the "Paul" for the Young, "Hunters of the positive".
The ceremony took place during the inauguration of the new academic year (2016-2017) of the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS), in the presence of a delegation of approximately 2000 students from 100 nations and ambassadors from various countries.
The prize awarded is the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari.

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Was assigned to the Magnificent Rector of the Pontifical Salesian University, Don Mauro Mantovani, the Mediterranean Prize "bearer of Peace" 2016 for the role taken by the entire Pontifical Salesian University for the education of young people to peace and Coexistence among different peoples, in the perspective – according to the expressions of Pope Paul VI – of the "new humanism" and of the "Civilization of Love".

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