All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Accompanied by the deputy mayor of Iglesias Simone Franceschi and geologist Giampiero Pinna, President Capasso visited the Sardinian city and, especially, the wonders of the Mining Park: from Monteponi Mine - Pozzo Sella to Porto Flavia on the sea.
UNESCO World Heritage Site, the mines of Iglesias convey unique emotions: from mining wells to wooden models and, last but not least, the transport techniques that at the time were absolutely avant-garde.
President Capasso proposed to enhance the park with a program entitled "Sardinia of emotions" with the possibility to guard in this place - where there is no seismic, volcanic and geological risk - the findings, objects and memories that in many parts of Italy and the Mediterranean are at risk.

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Preceded by the press conference of March 12,2017, the second final stage of LEB-SARD FESTIVAL took place in Iglesias: the initiative supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, which sees the participation of members of Lebanese and Italian networks in a festival where music is the "bridge" for dialogue between different cultures.
LEB-SARD Festival is a cross-border cooperation project, funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation, aimed at supporting and promoting cooperation and dialogue between the peoples of the Mediterranean as well as contributing to the creation and distribution of an artistic project in which MUSICA is conceived as an instrument of cultural dialogue between different peoples. It involves Sardinia and Lebanon and is based on the creation and dissemination of artistic and cultural productions resulting from the contamination between the two different cultures.
The project lasted for a total of one year and the leader is the Lebanese producer house "Zico House". It has been realized thanks to the partnership with the Cultural Association Anton Stadler of Iglesias, the Municipality of Iglesiase the association "Open med": members of the Italian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
LEB - SARD Festival was divided into two main events: on May 1,2017 in Beirut, at the church of Saint Louis and on May 20,2017 in Iglesias, at the Monteponi Mine, where a show aimed at the sharing and interpenetration between two cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean area was held, which involved two important artists: Hiba Al Kawas, soprano and composer (LIBANO).
President Michele Capasso, leader of the Italian Network and one of the supporters of the project, stressed the importance of the initiative and the selected locations, in particular the mine of Monteponi with its charge of "memoirs".
This initiative - stressed Capasso - contributes to the diffusion of music as a means of socio-economic development for the enhancement of peripheral places, highlighting the cultural heritage of both societies and giving visibility to the role of young people: the involvement of 70 students of the Rafic Hariri Foundation Choir in Lebanon and the Conservatory of Cagliari testifies to the importance of this initiative for young people who, through musical contamination, become "hunters of positive".

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The Museum of Peace MAMT - within the framework of collaboration and visibility policies for projects financed by the European Union - hosted an international meeting of participants in the "INVEST" project financed by the Erasmus Class programme.
Great admiration of participants from various countries for the Peace Museum and the activities of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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La nuova iniziativa del gruppo “Friends of Molo San Vincenzo” prosegue il percorso iniziato nel 2015 e rafforza l'obiettivo di restituire il Molo alla città sia nella sua funzione portuale sia come spazio pubblico aperto alla comunità urbana, favorendo il dialogo e la collaborazione tra le Istituzioni coinvolte.
Il progetto è stato pensato e organizzato dagli studenti e docenti del corso di laurea in psicologia dell'Università Federico II in collaborazione con CNR IRISS, Propeller Club Port of Naples, Lega Navale, ANIAI Campania, grazie al sostegno delle Istituzioni: Marina Militare, Comune di Napoli, Autorità di Sistema Portuale Medio Tirreno.
L'evento svoltosi rientra nel Maggio Napoletano promosso e organizzato dall'Assessorato alla Qualità della Vita e alle Pari Opportunità con delega al Mare del Comune di Napoli.
La terza missione dell'Università Federico II e del CNR, il public engagement, si concretizza in questo progetto di ricerca-azione del Community psychology lab e degli urbanisti dell'IRISS.
I "Pazzarielli” napoletani hanno guidato all’assaggio di prodotti tipici della tradizione napoletana (con Associazione Italiana Sommelier AIS, Cantine Astroni, Enopanetteria I Sapori della tradizione, Torrone La Provenzale) e alla visione della mostra “Pollution, Restitution, Recreation” del “Sea Artist” Paolo Valerio. 
Il tutto è stato accompagnato da musica e spettacoli di danza live dell’Accademia Napoletana Danza di Stefania Calabrese e il Gruppo musicale “Lavori in corso” di UOSM29, Asl Na1 Centro, partnership tecnica Azienda Napoletana Mobilità, CHEESE e Poligrafica Stiglione.
Si è compiuto un ulteriore importante passo per riportare il molo più antico di Napoli nel corpo vivo della città.
Un plauso alla prof. Arcidiacono ed a tutti i docenti e studenti dell'Università Federico II di Napoli.
La Fondazione Mediterraneo sostiene questa importante iniziativa per la città di Napoli.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo - in the framework of collaboration and visibility politics for projects funded by the European Union - hosted an international meeting between the attendees at the "INVEST" project funded by the Erasmus Class program.
The objective of the project is to implement training models for young entrepreneurs aged 18 to 25 in order to strengthen their skills in financial relations, with banks and society.

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