All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

Accompanied by Senator Giuseppe Lumia and the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri, representatives of the Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus, institutions and networks and bodies of civil society have visited the Museum through unique emotional paths.
At the end there was the recognition and appreciation for a unique place.

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In Naples, at the beautiful emotional and cultural setting offered by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT, the third step of the journey towards the United States of Europe took place.
The journey began in Florence, the city of the never forgotten Giorgio La Pira, at the Kennedy Foundation on June 7, 2018 with the presentation of the Manifesto in the Red Tulip Project in the link:

Subsequently, on November 8, 2018 the seminar on the forms of State and Government adapted to the United States of Europe was organized in light of the experience gained both in Switzerland and in Canada and in the United States of America.

The third stage continued along the way highlighting the European Union caused by Brexit and the confederal model that is no longer able to face the internal challenges of the demands of equality and security and external on the type of crisis resulting from globalization and the inability to manage in a unified way the geopolitical crises of the Mediterranean and of the American continent.
In the emotional context of the Museum of Peace - MAMT the stage has found, with the coordination of Michele Capasso, Salvatore Calleri and Giuseppe Lumìa, his sharing among those present in the speech of Churchill in Zurich read from the desk of his room of the former "Grand Hotel de Londres ", today headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
Follow the link.

The journey will continue in Naples at the Fondazione Mediterraneo on May 17, 2019 with the 1st Summit on the United States of Europe and May 18, 2019 with the 26th International Anti-Mafia Summit of the Caponnetto Foundation (in collaboration with the OMCOM and the Foundation Mediterranean).

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The first meeting was held entitled "Towards the WORLD PEACE FORUM".
Representatives of Federation, institutions, associations and networks met for two days in order to analyze the main issues to be submitted to the WORLD PEACE FORUM.
President Michele Capasso with Salvatore Calleri and Giuseppe Lumìa illustrated the main stages and, in particular, the one dedicated to the United States of Europe.

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