28 October 2014
In occasion of the meeting of Ambassadors of European Countries for Mediterranean held in Naples at Fondazione Mediterraneo the general secretary Sijilmassi and Ministry Enrico Granara presented Expo 2015
28 October 2014
Štefan Füle, Neighbourhood Policies European Commissioner and his wife, in visit to MAMT museum have been welcomed by president Capasso.
Füle plaused this incomparable museum listed by Unesco and expresses the will to use European grants in order to transform the expositive wings in a multimedia way, which will render the MAMT an unique exemplar in Europe.
28 October 2014
It took place in "Anna Lindh" wing of Fondazione Mediterraneo the meeting of Ambassadors from 42 countries - including Israel and Palestine – talked about up to date topics as Syria, Iraq and immigration. Joined, among the others, General Secretary Sijilmassi and its vice Cortese. They plaused the well done job made by Foundation and especially appreciated documentation center Euromed.
28 October 2014
The General Secretary of Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) Fatallah Sijilmassi in visit at Fondazione Mediterraneo has been welcomed by president Michele Capasso and by other members of Directive Board. Sijilmassi plaused the Foundation’s efforts done in order to strengthen euromediterranean partnership for the benefit both of EU and UPM.
28 October 2014
At the presence of European Commissioner Štefan Füle, took place in the headquarter of Fondazione Mediterraneo the third meeting for Structurated Dialogue for Civil Societies dedicated to the Media. Joined to the meeting the most important participants from euro mediterranean media. The meeting has particular importance because have been decided the guide lines of european commission for the next three years. “Fondazione Mediterraneo” – affirmed Commissione Füle – in occasion of its 25° anniversary, confirms its role in support dialogue between Civil Society and Institutions”.
28 October 2014
Ambassadors from 42 Euromediterranean countries visited MAMT welcomed by president Michele Capasso and by the museum director Pia Molinari. They express admiration for the museum’s heritage and events done in order to build dialogue and peace among cultures.
28 October 2014
The President of the Anna Lindh Foundation and Advisor to the King of Morocco André Azoulay visited the Museum MAMT accompanied by President Capasso.
It is excited in the section dedicated to Raffaele Capasso and one dedicated to Arab culture.
During his speech recalled the importance of this place and the visits of Presidents Palestinian Arafat and Abu Mazen as a significant moment in the international role of the Foundation.
28 October 2014
On invitation of Foreign Affairs Ministry and Fondazione Mediterraneo, the well known restaurant “La Bersagliera” in Naples hosted participants to the events for the ten years anniversary of Anna Lindh Foundation.
28 October 2014
It has been held at Fondazione Mediterraneo the Opening Conference of events for the tenth anniversary of Anna Lindh Foundation with the partecipation of all institution authorities: 42 Ambassadors members of the Governor’s board, Consultative Committee and National Networks Leader.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo has illustrated the programs for young people involved in intercultural dialogue, including through the new means of information and communication.
28 October 2014
In the end of the meeting held in Naples at Fondazione Mediterraneo, presidente Azoulay has been interviewed by local TV nazionali on the role of Foundation about the intercultural dialogue.