16 September 2016
One of the great merits of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, like Altiero Spinelli, was that of not surrendering and of combining vision with action, the impossible with the possible.
His courage was to always consider Italy united and to firmly believe in national harmony.
We will always remember him with great affection: with his physical and written presence, he has never missed in 25 years to any of the important events of our Foundation: for peace, for the Mediterranean, for Italy.
Thank you President!
16 September 2016
A group of visitors spent a day at the Museum. Here are their comments.
15 September 2016
A meeting was held with some members of the Italian network on immigration and reception of migrants.
Speakers included Toni Esposito, Roberto Berruti, Mario Maritano and Michele Capasso.
15 September 2016
He met in Rome at the headquarters of Uninettuno the Steering committee of the "RIDE-RETE ITALIANA PER IL DIALOGO EUROMEDITERRANEO ONLUS”.
On this occasion:
- The resignation of the members of the Executive Committee Calleri, De Luca and Russo, has been ratified.
- The Fondazione Mediterraneo has submitted its resignation as a founding member as a legal representative of the RIDE.
- Prof. Garito – Rector of Uninettuno – has announced his resignation from the RIDE.
- Min. Granara proposed Dr. Molinaro as legal representative temporary of the RIDE in substitution of the dismissed Prof. Michele Capasso.
This is a fifth reunion of CE in the new composition chosen by AG from 11.08.2015.
13 September 2016
Deep condolences that of the members of the International Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Mediterraneo for the death of Ermanno Rea, its component since the birth of the Foundation in 1991.
The memory of president Michele Capasso:
"A friendship born many years ago, accomplice sister Liliana-in whose shop at the Piazza Mercato often wandered between paints, brushes and parades of new design. And then in his home in Via Dei Greci in Rome, in the countryside, in the restaurant Cesaretto and in the bars of the capital. Many speeches, many hopes, many reflections on our world poised between modernity and past, between disappointment and homologation.
You will always be in my heart, dear Ermanno, and I will never forget the last hug "among our beards".
09 September 2016
On September 9, 2016 the hon. Elisabeth Guigou - President of Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the French Republic and president of the Fondazione Anna Lindh (FAL) - accompanied by her husband Prof. Jean-Louis Guigou, the Ambassador of Morocco in Italy Hassan Abouyoub, the consul General of France Jean-Paul Seytre, the consul general of Spain Fernando Sanchez Rau, the president of the City Council of Naples Doc. Alessandro Fucito, the delegate of the magnificent rector Prof. Gilberto Sammartino and other institutional representatives - visited the Museum of Peace for a long time expressing their appreciation and emotion.
This museum – he has declared – is impressive and unique in the world and combines history, memory and new technologies in an exceptional way."
The hon. Guigou has been particularly entertained in the Marrakech room with its objects, exhibits and videos: a city where it was born and where it lived for 18 years. During the visit was accompanied by President Capasso and the Ambassador of Morocco in Italy Abouyoub.
09 September 2016
On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Mediterranean Prize, on 9 September 2016 - at the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples- the ceremony was held to award the "Mediterranean Institutions Award" and the title of "Ambassador of the United States of the World" to Elisabeth Guigou, president of the Foreigns Affairs Commission of the National Assembly of the French Republic and president of the “Anna Lindh Foundation”.
For over 25 years committed to dialogue and peace in the Mediterranean and the world, the hon. Guigou has assumed prestigious roles and was also the first woman Minister of Justice with President Mitterrand in 1997. And it is still the first woman to be elected president of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Assembly, in 2012.
Collaborator of Jacques Delors at the Ministry of Finance in 1981, Elisabeth Guigou is called the following year to the Elysée to become adviser to the President of the Republic for Economic and European affairs. In 1984, he is a full-time adviser for the president's European issues, which he appoints as secretary General in 1986, head of the strategic administration which guarantees the coherence of the French positions in the negotiations in Brussels. This thorough knowledge of both the shores of the Mediterranean has allowed it to be appointed to the presidency of the "Fondazione Anna Lindh for the dialogue between cultures" in 2015, happening to the Moroccan André Azoulay.
For this dedication to Europe, the Mediterranean, justice and solidarity, the Scientific Council of the Mediterranean Foundation decided to give the "Mediterranean award institutions" 2016.
Diplomats from various countries, members of the Fondazione mediterraneo and representatives of the institutions attended the ceremony. Among these: the Ambassador of Morocco in Italy Hassan Abouyoub, the consul general of France Jean-Paul Seytre, the consul general of Spain Fernando Sanchez Rau, the president of the City Council of Naples Dott. Alessandro Fucito, the delegate of the magnificent rector Prof. Gilberto Sammartino, the director of communication of the FAL Paul Walton. The Hon. Guigou, moved, thanked President Capasso for this honour: "A precious and unique recognition for a life dedicated to Europe and the Mediterranean".
Ambassador Abouyoub has drawn the profile by defining it as "a balance between heart and emotion".
The Prof. Gilberto Sammartino, on behalf of the jury, read the motivations of the prize.
09 September 2016
On September 9, 2016 the hon. Elisabeth Guigou - President of the Foreign affairs Commission of the National Assembly of the French Republic and president of the Anna Lindh Foundation (FAL) - accompanied by her husband Prof. Jean-Louis Guigou, the Ambassador of Morocco in Italy Hassan Abouyoub, the consul General of France Jean-Paul Seytre, the consul general of Spain Fernando Sanchez Rau, the president of the City Council of Naples Doc. Alessandro Fucito, the delegate of the magnificent rector Prof. Gilberto Sammartino and other institutional representatives- inaugurated the section dedicated to the Fondazione Anna Lindh and its documentation centre carried out by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
Present at the ceremony many founding members of the Italian FAL network who have illustrated their activity for the FAL:
- Prof. Gilberto Sammartino recalled the role of the university Federico II and the actions carried out by the 2005 to date.
- Prof. Massimo Pica Ciamarra, of the Euromedcity network and of PCA Int, illustrated the significant initiatives and commitment to support the project "Mediterranean capitals of dialogue".
- Dr. Antonio Altiero, of the civil service, illustrated the initiatives in favour of the earthquake of Amatrice and everything realized in the Italian network from 2005.
- The president of the City Council of Naples, Alessandro Fucito, has illustrated what has been done by Naples in over a decade for dialogue and initiatives for the Italian network.
- Irene Capozzi and Sara De Angelis, of the associations CEIPES of Palermo and GRAMMELOT of Naples, illustrated the project supported by the FAL "IMAP: Intercultural Map of your city", application for migrants "proposed by the on. Guigou that is being realized in Naples and Palermo.
- The CEIPES of Palermo illustrated its activities
President Guigou expressed his appreciation for the thirty-year action carried out by President Capasso for dialogue and peace, recalling the common friendship with the late President Mitterand.
President Guigou has been with the members of the Italian network, expressing his praise for the concrete actions carried out, particularly for the migrants and for the earthquake. He concluded his speech by stating what the Fondazione Mediterraneo has done in over 25 years of activity is "a commendable example that will have to be strengthened with further partnerships: a thank you and a good one to Michele Capasso for his commitment as a creator and activator of the FAL and the Italian network ".
09 September 2016
Elisabeth Guigou, former Minister of Justice of France, president of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the French National Assembly and president of the “Anna Lindh Foundation”, during the visit to the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the emotional path dedicated to the sculptor Mario Molinari, has expressed great admiration for his works, especially for the joy of life that transpires from its colors. "In a time of history in which all of us, to counteract the negative and terrorism, we should strongly support the positive and what unites us-said Mme Guigou - the teaching of Molinari, sculptor of color, is precious because it makes us understand the Need to share all the colors of life and not just the greys and blacks, represented by tragedies and mourning. The "Totem of Peace" - made in 1995 by the Turin sculptor and diffused throughout the world by the Fondazione Mediterraneo-is the symbol that summarizes the joy of life and the hope of a new resurgence of peace ".
08 September 2016
The Advisor Council of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue consisting of the 42 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM), met today at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, inaugurated by the undersecretary Bendetto della Vedova at Presence of the Executive director of the Fondazione Anna Lindh Ambassador Hatem Atallah and the president of the Fondazione Anna Lindh Elisabeth Guigou.
"The peace and stability of the Mediterranean is a priority for Italy, which strongly believes in the collaboration between the two shores of the Mediterranean," said the undersecretary Della Vedova during its opening intervention, "Italy has long supported the Foundation's work to build a narrative against extremism and radicalization. The work of the Anna Lindh Foundation is fundamental to change the narrative on our region, bringing new incentive to the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean and putting civil society at the heart of this partnership ". The council, chaired by Elisabeth Guigou, president of the Foreign Committee of the French National Assembly, is composed of eminent personalities from Europe and the partner countries of the South Mediterranean shore, and is responsible for the management Strategic Foundation: Italy is represented by Prof. Michele Capasso, president of the “Fondazione Mediterraneo” that has contributed substantially to the birth and development of the same Fondazione Anna Lindh since 2002.
At the heart of today's debate was the role of the Anna Lindh Foundation, as an institution and reference point for intercultural dialogue in the region, facing the regional challenge of extremism and the refugee crisis.
President Elisabeth Guigou pointed out that in the Mediterranean there is a convergence of values and that extremists who promote the alternative vision of a clash of values are a minority. The Foundation aims to encourage the silent majority to make its voice heard. The proposals of the president Capasso-among the proposals put forward- have been collected aimed at promoting "what unites us", the "positive" and focusing the main actions of the ALF on young people, women and cities "places of and for dialogue".
Future actions include the implementation of a regional youth programme, an Erasmus Mediterranean Youth Programme for ONG youth and the involvement of the main Mediterranean cities in cultural and social interaction.