The "Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus" has joined the day when UNICEF asks everyone to tell the situation of Syrian children and citizens, just a few days from Christmas, to find themselves in public places or in their homes with a symbolic blanket to say enough to the war in Syria. Many members of the Federation - present in Rome, Naples, Florence, Palermo, Milan and Turin - have recalled the commitment for the Syria by many members of the Federation (first of all the Salesians) with appeals and initiatives of solidarity (welcome of refugees in Italy and concrete aids for the children of Aleppo).

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The president Michele Capasso took part in the seminar organized by the Order of Architects of Naples and the Foundation of the same name on the theme "Urban suburbs: a challenge possible". With a report on "Intercultural City and Relationships", President Capasso addressed issues related to the city's crisis and the need to think of new models that see the relationships between different cultures at the center of the process of transforming cities and suburbs. The seminar - moderated by the journalist Marco de Marco - saw, among others, the Interventions of  Pio Crispino, Gennaro Polichetti, Carmine Piscopo, Antonio Coppola, Francesco Scardaccione, Micheleangelo Russo, Rosario Pavia, Mariano Faraone Mennella, Luca Zevi and Maurizio Di Stefano.

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Berlin strage. Another  strage. Another european capital. Another terrorist initiative. Berlin has once again hit life in its most beautiful and significant moments, which characterize the identity of a country. July 14 in Nice, now Berlin. Yes, that little square is world famous for the Christmas market. I have a living memory of years ago when I was there, during a visit to Berlin of Italian restaurateurs who rebelled against the lace imposed by mafiosi.
Today as yesterday familes crowd out stand. Gifts, crib characters, handicraft items! Children, lovers, young people full of energy, old sages, tourists around the world. Many Italians who live and study in the German capital. Classic life! An evening in Berlin!
The Truck bursts and sweeps away everything. It does not restrain, kills, hurt, throws in the sorrow and pain a whole country, the world, Europe. Already Europe! I'm not tired of repeating it. The only national road to anti-terrorism security is a must but not enough. It was thought that only France had its unprepared and overcome system. Maybe, but Germany? In essence, national security is not enough in preventing Daesh's terrorist attacks.
More than ever, it is necessary to move to the construction of a true and effective common European space against terrorism and anti-mafia .... It's a tough road to take. National stories and interests stand in every way. But so is a dripping that endangers all the "provincial" European capitals. We Italians this time pushing on the right side. We are the best organized country, but we also know that quality leap can only be done at European level with an intelligence, a specialized police and an equally common prosecutor. Of course Europe does not have the capacity to push countries to make choices in that direction. It is a declining Europe, both inside and outside. But in this troubled historic moment, the construction of the United States of Europe must be decided.
In Turkey, the Russian ambassador is killed. In the Middle East, the war rages. In Aleppo, the images that come to us say long about the tragedy that is being consumed. There is a need, there is space, there is the possibility to think and realize the United States of Europe. First we proceed is better for all of us and for the same humanity.

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On December 18, the rights of migrants are celebrated all over the world. At the Museum of Peace - MAMT, a special day devoted to the emotional journey "Migrant Voices" has particularly appealed to young people in schools.

"It was another turbulent year for refugees and migrants. We have seen continuing the devastating effects of armed conflicts on civilian populations, deaths, destruction and forced transfers. We have witnessed the unacceptable loss of thousands of lives in the Mediterranean and elsewhere. And, to add insult to hiori, we have been witness to the growth of populist movements seeking to isolate and expel migrants and refugees and to inculpate them of various evils in society."
So Secretary-General of the United Nations BanKi-Moon in the message spread on the eve of the International Migrant Day, celebrated all over the world on December 18th. There is, however, room for hope, represented by the New York Declaration adopted last September by world leaders. But it is now crucial that "governments honor their commitments and build on these, to handle the large movements of refugees and migrants in a compassionate, people-centered manner that responds to gender needs and rooted in fundamental human rights”.
“Every migrant is a human being with human rights”, recalls number one member of ONU, calling for stronger cooperation between countries of origin, transit and destination.  It is also necessary to "reject intolerance, discrimination and policies led by xenophobic rhetoric and the making of scapegoats migrants.  Those who exploit and try to hurt immigrants must respond”. Forced migrations will not stop if they do not deal with the causes.
The list is very long: "poverty, hunger, armed conflict, natural disasters and environmental degradation, maladministration, persistent inequalities and violations of economic, social, civil, political or cultural rights." The good governance of immigration - according to BanKi-moon - must also "expand safe legal channels of legal migration, including family reunions, job entry at all skill levels, and child and adult learning opportunities as well as depenalizing irregular migration and regularize the status of migrants without documents.
"On this International Migrant Day - concludes the Secretary-General of ONU – I ask on the international community to move forward with the global agreement on safe, regular and orderly migration as an important contribution to building a world of peace, prosperity and dignity for everyone”
The International Migrant Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the adoption of the "International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families" by the United Nations General Assembly (18 December 1990). They prohibit discrimination, inhuman treatment and exploitation and sanction a long series of rights that are independent of the legal status of migrant workers, to which more are added to regular migrants. Up to now, only about fifty countries in the world have been ratified, almost all countries from which migratory flows start, while flocking to the main countries of destination. Italy has not yet ratified it.

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President Capasso participated - on behalf of the Mediterranean Foundation - at the "Solidarity Market" in favor of migrant communities.

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The president Michele Capasso sent an affectionate greeting message for the eightieth birthday to Pope Francis, hoping that this action in favor of social justice and solidarity will continue for a long time. At the same time, at the Museum of Peace - MAMT, visitors enjoyed the most "curious" videos about Pope Francis.

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The "XXII ° National Antimafia Summit" was held in Florence organized by the Fondazione Caponetto in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the OMCOM, the "Federazione Anna LINDH Italia-Onlus" and the municipality of Bagno a Ripoli.
This year's theme is "NO TO MAFIA AND TERRORISM: WITH THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE A CHANGE OF STRATEGY IN CONTRAST”. Among the interventions those of Senators Giuseppe Lumia and Mario Giarusso, the magistrates Giuseppe Lombardo, Catello Maresca, the attorney Pietro Suchan, the Colonel Giorgio Giombetti, the journalists Paolo Borrometi, Martin De Sá Pinto and others. The president of the Fondazione Caponetto Salvatore Calleri stressed the topicality of the summit wanted by Antonino Caponetto precisely to "keep the guard high" against the mafias, organised crime and terrorism that develops with extreme speed Adapting to the changing times.
The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso drew attention to the role of Europe and the non-Constitution of the "United States of Europe", remembering the activites of Fondazione Mediterraneo  this issue since 1994.
The work was concluded by the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso who launched an appeal for the anti-mafia movements no to die by making the Fondazione Caponetto for its commitment and to become increasingly as a reference point against Mafias, especially through the OMCOM- Osservatorio Mediterraneo sulla Criminalità Organizzata e la Mafia formed jointly with the Fondazione Mediterraneo. " United Europe against joint crime "is one of the slogans of the summit.

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The “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus” - a network of 600 Italian organizations for international dialogue and cooperation - has collaborated with the "XXII NATIONAL ANTIMAFIA SUMMIT" organized by the Fondazione Caponnetto and by OMCOM, the founding members of the "Federation". The work has been completed by Senate President Pietro Grasso.

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At the margins of the "XXII NATIONAL ANTIMAFIA VERTICE" some founding members of the “Federazione Anna Lindh Italia onlus”  met the Senate President Pietro Grasso, who explained the aims and mission of the" Federation ", focusing on legality, social justice and peace.

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In the first months of 2017, the MUSEUM OF PACE - MAMT (Mediterranean, Art, Architecture, Archeology, Environment, Music, Migration, Traditions, Tourism) will open a section dedicated to the protagonists of Italian history: Sandro Pertini and Antonino Caponnetto.
In the historic building of the former "Grand Hotel de Londres" in Piazza Municipio (where the Museum is located in the heart of Naples, a few steps from the metro station designed by Alvaro Siza and the cruise port) through video, documents and exhibits will be able to enjoy of an emotional journey that tells the experience of Sandro Pertini and Antonino Caponnetto: two examples of lives devoted to democracy, freedom, social justice and the Good common.
To announce that in the presence of the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso, Salvatore Calleri and Michele Capasso - Presidents of the Fondazione Caponnetto and of the Fondazione Mediterraneo - on the occasion of the "22° National Antimafia Summit" held in Bagno a Ripoli (Florence) on 16 December 2016.

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