29 November 2017
The Union for the Mediterranean Sea (UfM) Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean Sea concluded yesterday with two political declarations: one between FOM Secretary General Sijilmassi and FAO's General Fisheries Commission and one between the 10 Mediterranean Ministers (Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Tunisia, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain) to strengthen political commitment on the sustainable development of the Sea's economy through cooperation in the field of maritime safety, marine protected areas, fisheries, tourism, research and innovation. It was a significant step towards a projection of EuroMediterranean Campania.
The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo recalled the ancient friendship with the Secretary Fatallah Sijilmassi and the anticipation action taken by the "II FORUM CIVILE EUROMED" held in Naples 20 years ago with the support of the Campania Region: already then, the 3,000 delegates from 36 countries present in Naples addressed in a specific working session the same themes with proposals that are still today topical and in most cases advocated.
We hope that this new impetus can lead to the protection of the resource-sea, in a "closed" sea, such as the Mediterranean, which appears increasingly, every day, divided "by us" and not "among us".
25 November 2017
On the occasion of the "World Day against Violence against Women 2017" the "Federation Anna Lindh Italia Onlus" reaches 1,000 members and supports the "Venice Charter" presented by Italian journalists and journalists.
In 300 in Naples and 100 in Rome members of the "Federation" support initiatives to raise awareness of women's rights and the need to introduce a new culture of respect.
24 November 2017
(Mena) Rome, Nov. 24. We express our deep solidarity with Egypt for the terrorist attack on the Egyptian mosque in Bir al-Abed, west of the city of Arish, in the North Sinai region, which killed more than 300 people. The battle against terrorism knows no borders and we will never backtrack in the fight against extremism.
Thus, in a note, the "Federazione Anna Lindh Italia Onlus": an association of Italian civil society organisations that today reaches its 1,000 members and that operates as part of the Italian Network of the "Anna Lindh Foundation" sharing its objectives and statutory aims.
"We learned the news when the accession procedures of the 1,000 members were completed. The fight against terrorism is, today more than ever, certainly the main mission of the United Nations, but we must aim for joint work at an international level, involving the cooperation of everyone, especially civil society players who have been engaged for decades in the dialogue between cultures and civilisations. It is essential, in tragic times like these, to clearly separate Islamic culture and religion from the extremism and fundamentalism of these murderers preachers of hatred and to continue to work together with moderate Muslim friends who follow the path of peace and mutual respect ".
22 November 2017
The "International Conference for the presentation of Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain chair for peace" was held in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of Roma Tre University.
After the greetings of the Magnificent Rector Luca Pietromarchi and Prof. Luigi Moccia, Abdulaziz Saud Al-Babtain spoke, explaining the aims of the Chair supported by the United Nations and thanking the partners of the initiative (Rome 3, Fondazione Mediterraneo, IPI, SIOI).
The following speakers were Michael Frendo, Jorge Sampaio, Vincenzo Scotti, Charles Ferdinand Notomb, Nejib Friji, George Ulrich.
President Michele Capasso recalled the affectionate link with Abdulaziz Al-Babtain and the support for the "Chair of Peace" by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its network of universities, civil society organisations and institutions.
22 November 2017
The President of the Foundation Michele Capasso met with the Ambassador of Tunisia in Rome Moez Sinaoui, who planned activities of intercultural promotion and exchange with Tunisia.
20 November 2017
It was held the signing cerimony between “Fondazione Mediterraneo” and the association “Amici di Ron - Amici della vita” in presence of the assessor of the culture of the municipality of Naples Gaetano Daniele and rapresentatives from various countries
Among the points of the agreement:
- The spread and management of promotion of Peace activities trough Poetry , as well as, as integral part of the project, the support to initiatives for a greater relationship between different cultures and faiths.
- The collaboration on information and organizing activities. In particular promotion of training methods and educational courses.
In this occasion was consigned to the president Capasso a plaque and “ the Flag of Poets for the Peace”
In conclusion was signed “The Declarations of Peace”.
18 November 2017
The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella came to Naples where waiting for him there was the appointment with the Oath of Students of 230° course of the Military School "Nunziatella".
The ceremony was, also, attended by the Ministry of Defense Roberta Pinotti, the Chief of Staff of Defense Claudio Graziano, the Chief of Army Staff Danilo Errico, the highest military and civilian positions, the Prefect of Naples Carmela Pagano and the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca.
Also present was the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris
18 November 2017
Moments of great emotions at the Peace Museum- MAMT with the volunteers of Civil Service assigned to the Institute “ Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice”. The Holy Mass was officiated by Don Mario Maritano, Salesian of Don Bosco.
The young people, before the celebration, have listened the message of Madre Yvonne Reungoat Superior General of FMA.
18 November 2017
The nuns of the Istitute “ Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice” ( Salesians of Don Bosco) have gifted to the Museo della Pace of a Albanian tablecloth and a huge shell.
18 November 2017
Moments of great emotion at Museo della Pace – MAMT with the volunteers of Civil Service assigned to the institute of “Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice”.
They visited the Museum and viewed the emotional video dedicated especially to the young people.