La Fondazione Mediterraneo e la Fondazione Antonino Caponnetto hanno costituito l’OMCOM – OSSERVATORIO MEDITERRANEO SULLA CRIMINALITÀ ORGANIZZATA E LE MAFIE – che si pone come obiettivi il monitoraggio e l’analisi di quanto succede nei paesi dell’area mediterranea affrontando con una visione geopolitica le problematiche criminali organizzate e mafiose. Compito dell’Omcom è anche quello di formare gli addetti ai lavori per metterli in grado di leggere le infiltrazioni presenti sul territorio e di informare le opinioni pubbliche del mediterraneo sui pericoli che tali infiltrazioni comportano.

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The presidents of Caponnetto Foundation and of Fondazione Mediterraneo - Salvatore Calleri and Michele Capasso - attended the conference on the theme of Goods Confiscated which was attended by politicians and judges engaged on this topical issue.

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The presentation of the book “L’Acquila e la Piovra” by Gianni Palagonia took place in the Italian Embassy in San Marino. The book is a cruel portrait of Albania and links between Albanian and Italian mafia.
The initiative is promoted by OMCOM – Mediterranean Observatory about Organized Criminality and Mafia – and the journalist Paolo Borrometi, the president Salvo Calleri, and the president Michele Capasso joined. After the greetings of the Ambassador Barbara Bregato – at the presence of the State Secretary for Culture Giuseppe Maria Morganti –have been analysed the relationship between Albania and Italy.
The president Capasso talked about his experience in Balkans since 1964 and analysed the Albanian role in Europe and Mediterranean.

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The OMCOM –Mediterranean Observatory about Mafia and other Criminal Groups – composed by Fondazione Caponnetto and Fondazione Mediterraneo celebrated in Florence and Naples the day of legality. Elisabetta Caponnetto, widow of Nino, remembered that the struggle of mafia is possible trough the culture of legality and courage. The presidents Michele and Salvatore Calleri proposed to MAMT museum to dedicated the main halls to the victims of all mafia. In occasion of the XXIII anniversary of Capaci and via D’Amelio tragedies 40 thousands students coming from Italy and one hundred coming from Europe and Usa gathered together and remembered Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino, Francesca Morvillo, wife of Falcone, and his body guards  Rocco Dicillo, Vito Schifani, Antonio Montinaro, Walter Eddie Cosina, Claudio Traina, Emanuela Loi, Vincenzo Li Muli, Agostino Catalano.
Thanks to the collaboration with Rai, Palermo was linked to 6 Italian squares (Milano, Gattalico, Firenze, Napoli, Rosario e Corleone).
In this way Palermo became centre of legality and the celebration of the anniversary become occasion of formation for the students. "The immages of Capaci attack will be always before our eyes, as well as those of via D’Amelio” as was stated by the president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in Palermo, in occasion of the XXIII anniversary of Capaci and via d’Amelio tragedies. "Mafia can be defeated and we will get rid of it "
"We are here to say that mafia can be defeated. We are here to renew a promise: we will defeat the mafia, get rid of it because it is conflicting with human cohabitation and freedom.” These were the conclusive words of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella,when he leaved the Bunker hall of Ucciardone in Palermo, for the ceremony of  Capaci’s slaughter. Some students stopped him screaming "President... President" and some children took a picture with him and gifted him with illustrations.

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