Don Bosco||The Power of Love

The spirit of Don Bosco and the Salesians present in 132 countries of the world is renewed in the "Virtual Salesian Oratory" of the Museum of Peace - Mamt: a unique and fascinating experience through 12 emotional itineraries and a visit to the Chapel with the relic of the "Saint of Young People" At a difficult time in our history Don Bosco's message for young people and with young people is more relevant than ever and constitutes the antidote against all forms of radicalism and fundamentalism, helping young people to become "Producers of the future" and "Hunters of the positive". The virtual Salesian Oratory and the emotional paths "Don Bosco, Power of Love" are realized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the General Direction Opere Don Bosco in collaboration with the South Salesian Province and the Salesians from all over the world.




Celebrated solemnly at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the "Feast of Don Bosco".
Don Angelo Santorsola - Director of the Salesian House of Vomero and next Inspector for the South of Salesians - and Fr Fabio Bellino - delegate to youth pastoral care - celebrated, in the rooms dedicated to the Saint of Young people, the Holy Mass in the presence of the students of the last classes of high school, teachers and members of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
On this occasion some videos of "Don Bosco, the power of love" were previewed: twelve emotional paths that will constitute the Salesian Oratory virtual, a hub of Salesians in the world and whose inauguration is scheduled for February 17,2017 in the presence of the Rector Major Don Angel Fernandez Artime.

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It was held in Naples, in the Church of St. Joseph in Via Medina - just a stone's throw from the Museum of Peace - MAMT and where Don Bosco celebrated his only Mass in the South of Italy, on March 30,1880 - the "Annual vigil of prayer" for Don Bosco, presided over by Fr Pasquale Cristiani, inspector for the Southern Italy of the Salesians, and organized by Fr Fabio Bellino, delegate to youth pastoral care.
Many young people from the various Orators (Terzigno, Potenza, etc.) intervened to reaffirm the spirit of Don Bosco.
This event has an important value because it opens the path that will see the celebration of the Holy Mass at the Museum of Peace on January 31,2017 (the feast day of St. Peter's Day).Giovanni Bosco) and the inauguration of the museum section - the title of which is "DON BOSCO, THE POWER OF LOVE" - created by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the General Direction of Salesians in collaboration with the South Province planned for 17 February 2017, with the participation of the Rector Major Don ÁNGEL FERNANDEZ ARTIME.

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At the conclusion of the "Annual vigil of prayer for Don Bosco", the young people of the Orators gathered in Piazza Municipio in front of the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the exhibitions of the various Orators and for the hymn of the young people of Don Bosco.
On this occasion Don Pasquale Cristiani, inspector for the southern Italy of the Salesians, and Fr Fabio Bellino, delegate to the youth ministry, announced the next opening of the section of the Museum of Peace dedicated to "DON BOSCO, THE POWER OF LOVE".

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The spirit of Don Bosco and the Salesians present in 132 countries of the world is renewed in the "Virtual Salesian Oratory" of the Museum of Peace - Mamt: a unique and fascinating experience through 12 emotional paths with the chapel dedicated to the "Saint of the Young".
The "Salesian Oratory virtual" includes videos, images, music, multimedia links and other hypertextual instruments with high technology 4k and aims to spread Don Bosco's work through a multimedia hub that contains the essential moments of the action carried out by Salesians in every part of the world: appreciated on several occasions by Pope Francis and unanimously recognized, especially by those who have lived the educational, human and social experience of the "Saint of the young".
The museum section - the title of which is "DON BOSCO, THE POWER OF LOVE" - is realized by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the General Direction of Salesians in collaboration with the Southern Province.
Don Pasquale Cristiani, inspector for the southern Italy of the Salesians, and Don Fabio Bellino, delegate to youth pastoral care, completed the emotional videos under the direction of President Michele Capasso.
The opening is scheduled for February 17,2017 and will be attended by the Rector Major Don ÁNGEL FERNANDEZ ARTIME.

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An ideal passage of witness, the "Totem of Peace" by Mario Molinari, took place on the occasion of the opening of the academic year 2016-2017 of the Pontifical Salesian University: In the sign of Antonino Caponetto.
On this occasion the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso - assignee of the Mediterranean prize for Legality 2013 - recalled his youth training at the Salesians of Palermo, urged young people not to give up in front of the difficulties of life and has Concluded by recalling the admonition of the Judge Antonino Caponetto - his master, - to keep "always the back upright".

Immediately after, connecting to the figure of Antonino Calvert and the foundation to him titrated-with which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is "Affratellata" - The President Michele Capasso has delivered the Mediterranean Prize 2016 "special Edition for Education To peace" to the major rector of the Salesians Don Ángel Fernández Artime and the Mediterranean Prize 2016 "bearer of peace" to the Rector Magnifico, Don Mauro Mantovani.


(ANS – Rome) – Michele Capasso, engineer-Neapolitan architect, has created over 500 works in various countries around the world. Ing. Capasso was strongly struck by the massacres against innocent victims in the territories marked by the war. It decides to suspend its activity and its professional commitment, first to help the people of the former Yugoslavia and, then, especially to build dialogue and peace. Today the "Mediterranean Prize 2016 – Special Edition for Peace Education" is delivered to the rector major, Don Ángel Fernández Artime.

How is the Fondazione Mediterraneo born?

The Mediterranean Foundation was founded more than 27 years ago, by the initiative of the Presidents of various countries, mainly interested in creating a space of peace, against war and against conflicts. From that moment we have committed ourselves to promoting dialogue through a thousand initiatives involving young people, children, women, migrants and education. Initiatives, these, based on concrete, as our motto reads: "To transform love for power, in the Power of Love".

Who receives this prize?

This award is for the sobriety, for the quality of the work, for the concreteness. The winners receive the prize if they do something for the common good; It was considered, after the Nobel Prize, the most important prize. They have received this award many personalities, in the religious field, Cardinal Etchegaray, Cardinal Martini, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and many others, who have committed themselves to peace.

This award is a special prize. Why?

Every twenty years there must be a special edition of the prize, which foresees a theme not covered by the regulation, for which one chooses and seeks a personality that can prove to be the protagonist of that theme. With great joy and pleasure, finding also the sharing of the Arab and Islamic world, this prize, special Edition for Peace, was attributed to Don Ángel Fernández Artime, for what the Salesians have done in the world.

Why did you choose to give the prize to the rector major?

The Salesians participate in our commitment to peace, for dialogue. The people who work with us have entertained many relationships with the Salesians in the world. In These 27 years we have known the value of the work of the Salesians. Above all, we have enjoyed their humble commitment to young people, to those who need it. We want to follow the identity of doing. We want to be for what we do, not to be for what we say. The Salesians are the operative arm of that Christianity which applies the gospel every day.

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On the occasion of the ceremony of the academic year 2016-2017 of the Pontifical Salesian University, President Capasso was able to inaugurate, with the president of the Senate Pietro Grasso, the 2nd Volume of the "ALBO d'oro" of the Pontifical Salesian University.
Thanks to Don Mauro Mantovani, magnificent rector, to the rector major Don Angel Fernandez Artime and to all the Salesians in the world for their commitment to the education of young people and peace.
Before the ceremony the rector major D. Angel Fernandez Artime celebrated the mass in the Church of St. Mary of Hope.
The President Grasso held the inaugural titled "Educating the Legality and active and responsible citizenship".

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Mario Molinari's "Totem of peace" becomes the symbol of the Salesians of Don Bosco.
The rector major, Don Angel Fernandez Artime, in receiving the work of the sculptor Molinari on the occasion of the "Mediterranean Prize special edition 2016" attributed to him, emphasizes the importance of "positive", of living life with the "colors of hope, of Faith and Joy ".
In front of an audience of over 400 students of the Pontifical Salesian University confirms the topicality of the educational method of Don Bosco especially in the face of the great challenges of today's world.

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