Complete Lest || of events

The professor Michele Capasso - Secretary General of the "United States of the World" and president of the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" - addressed, as usual, a message for the new year 2023.
The hope is that in this year we can reach a truce and then peace in Ukraine and in other parts of the world through the enhancement of diversity.
“Only by tackling, solving and harmonizing diversity, conditions of misery, ignorance and injustice in the world - says prof. Capasso - it is possible to extinguish hotbeds of discord, riot, hatred; it must be understood that diversities, if harmonized, constitute a strength and a source of enrichment for all humanity, complementing each other instead of opposing each other. It is not a question of pursuing a system of universal harmony, as Fourier or Leibnitz wished, because we started from a pre-established universal harmony: the great inequalities existing between our brothers and sisters scattered throughout the world require our commitment to harmonize them. On this theme it is worth proposing an example: if in an orchestra everyone played on their own, a 'cacophony' would arise; if all the instruments were identical, it would be 'monotony'; the inequality of instruments and the harmonization of sounds is much better to arrive at a great ‘universal symphony’”.

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The closing event of the EUROMESCO Annual Conference, hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), took place in Brussels.
The closing event served to conclude the four previous national events of the Annual Conference, which took place in Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia and Egypt as part of the EuroMeSCo 2022 Annual Conference "Towards more Social Justice and Inclusiveness in the Mediterranean".
The Fondazione Mediterraneo is a founding member of the EUROMESCO network.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo - the protagonist of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership born with the Barcelona Process on 28 November 1995 - celebrated the second Day of the Mediterranean in various countries - in Italy in Naples, Rome, Turin and Palermo.
Mediterranean Day is celebrated on 28 November with the aim of promoting a common Mediterranean identity, fostering intercultural exchanges and embracing the region's diversity. It was also established to give greater visibility to the daily efforts of organisations and citizens to strengthen cooperation and integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Mediterranean Day takes place on the anniversary of the Barcelona Process held in 1995, which marked the beginning of a shared commitment by Euro-Mediterranean countries to transform the region into a common space of peace, stability, socio-economic progress and dialogue between peoples, also leading to the establishment of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in 2008. Mediterranean Day is celebrated in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, including the Member States of the European Union.

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For the first time in history, COP27 (6-18 November 2022) hosted a Mediterranean Pavilion, seeking to highlight both the pressing challenges and their respective innovative solutions, for one of the most threatened regions in the world in terms of climate change.
EuroMeSCo attended this debate, organised by the IEMed, to offer different perspectives on climate change and to promote green growth and the energy transition in the Mediterranean.
The session was presented by Senén Florensa, Executive President of the IEMed, and moderated by Roger Albinyana, Managing Director of the IEMed.
Laura Basagni shared some insights from the EuroMeSCo policy study in which she contributed: “Anticipating and Mitigating Side-Effects: The Road to a Successful Green Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean Region”. She also shared her reflections on the effects of war in Ukraine for the Green Transition in the Mediterranean region.
Emad Adly brought to the panel not only Egyptian expertise but also a regional civil society perspective.
And Josep Canals-Molina explained how cities in the Mediterranean are at the forefront of the decarbonisation agenda.
President Michele Capasso, who was present at COP 27, recalled the Mediterranean Foundation's commitment since 1990 to ecological conversion, which was also transmitted to EUROMESCO, of which it is a founding member.

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