Complete Lest || of events

The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari met the Councilor for Youth Alessandra Clemente at Palazzo San Giacomo.
On this occasion the next joint programs with the Foundation were discussed and a copy of the "Kimiyya" bags made by Syrian women who had children murdered by the civil war was handed over to the Councilor.
The Councilor has signed the manifesto of "Kimiyya. The Women actresses of the Dialogue” signed by women from 82 countries involved in the various sectors.

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The President of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Elisabeth Guigou, during a meeting with President Michele Capasso and Prof. Caterina Arcidiacono, expressed her appreciation for the results of the joint action "Kimiyya", which was also considered by the ONU as one of the main initiatives in favour of women.
President Capasso confirmed the programme for the second edition (2018) dedicated to "Women and Migrants", which will involve more than 70 countries.
On this occasion, one of the bags made for "Kimiyya" by Syrian women who had children killed in the conflict was handed over to President Guigou.

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During a cordial meeting with the Prefect of Naples Carmela Pagano, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso illustrated the project "Kimiyya" in favor of legality and women and handed over one of the bags made by Syrian women who had children or husbands killed in the recent conflict.
The Prefect expressed his appreciation for the initiative and said that he would take care of explaining to the Minister of the Interior its importance and international importance.

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On the occasion of the "23rd SUMMARY ANTIMAFIA", the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the President of the Fondazione Caponnetto Salvatore Calleri presented the results of the interrete activity "KIMIYYA. THE EQUIPMENT WOMEN OF DIALOGUE "held in Naples from 12 to 15 September 2017.
The participants in the summit - from the journalist Paolo Borrometi to the MEP Sonia Alfano, from Giuseppe Antoci to Judge Catello Maresca, from the Procurators of the Republic of the principal prosecutors to the heads of the Police Forces - signed the manifesto of "KIMIYYYA", recognizing the action taken as having a high significance to enhance the role of women in the fight against crime and mafias.

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