Complete Lest || of events

A delegation from the Fondazione Mediterraneo, led by President  Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, visited the Military Academy  “Nunziatella” and were welcomed by Colonel Bernardo Bertarotto. On that occasion, gifts were exchanged and collaboration proposals for dialogue and peace were evaluated.


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Symbols and fantasy between seas, islands and ports, cities and countryside, Jews, Christians and Muslims in Boccaccio’s Decameron. These are the ingredients making up the book by Enrico Costa at the presentation of his book in Naples at the Faculty of Architecture.

It was discussed by:
Fabrizio Mangoni, Professor of Town Planning at the Università “Federico II”
Francesco Domenico Moccia, President of the University Degree Course P.T.U.P.A.
Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.


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On the third anniversary of the earthquake that destroyed L’Aquila, the Fondazione Mediterraneo – which has been on the front line helping its citizens since the disaster – lends it support to the cultural and scientific communities on the difficult route to rebuilding the city.
President Capasso, architect and engineer, stands by  those who are working to restore and return one of the most beautiful  and human historic centres to humanity.

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The first official meeting for President Giorgio Napolitano during his three day visit to Jordan. The Head of State, accompanied by the Minister of foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi, was received at the King Abdallah II and Queen Rania’s Royal Palace in Amman. After the traditional welcome greeting, the Italian and Jordanian delegations had their first bilateral meeting. Napolitano pointed to “the deep and historic friendship” between the two countries. The Italian President also emphasized how “Italy and Europe counted on the role of Jordan in the region”, and “in the peace process in the Middle East”, especially given “the current situation”.
Napolitano will also meet the Jordanian Prime Minister
Awn Khasawneh, the Speaker of the Senate Taher Masri and the Speaker of the Lower House, Abdul Karim Doghmi.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo has a seat in Amman and has always had a special relationship with Jordan.


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