Mediterranean Award "Media" 2010 to Al-Jazeera

The awarding ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010 took place on the 13th of June 2010 at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples.

The Mediterranean Media Award 2010 - the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - was given to the television station Al Jazeera.

The journalist Barbara Serra attended the ceremony and was awarded by the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the Secretary General of the Valenzi Foundation Roberto Race.

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Mediterranean Award "Media" 2010 to La Vanguardia

The awarding ceremony for the Mediterranean Awards 2010 took place on the 13th of June 2010 at the Theatre of San Carlo in Naples.

The Mediterranean Media Award 2010 - the "Totem of Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari - was given to the newspaper La Vanguardia.
The journalist Enric Juliana attended the ceremony and was awarded by the the Secretary General of the Valenzi Foundation Roberto Race.

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International Meeting - Alvaro Siza: Ideas and Projects for the City

The MAISON DE LA PAIX hosted the International Meeting Alvaro Siza: Ideas and Projects for the City ".

They intervened:
Arch. Michele Capasso
President of the Mediterranean Foundation
Arch. Paolo Pisciotta
Member of the National Council of Architects Conservation Planners Landscape Architects
Arch. Claudio de Saint Mihiel
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Naples Federico II
Arch. GennaroPolichetti
President of the Order of Conservation Architects Planners of Naples and Province He concluded:
Arch. Alvaro Siza Vieira
Mediterranean Architecture Award 2009-2010

During the meeting the Arch. Siza has given its readiness to preside over the international jury that will evaluate the project for the future definitive seat of the "Maison de la Paix"..

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Mediterranean Award "Honour Medal" 2010 to Cecilia Chiavelli

In the context of the Yacht Med Festival and on the occasion of the presentation of the book NostroMareNostro by Michele Capasso, the Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" 2010 was delivered to the young artist from Latina Cecilia Chiavelli, for the work the artist titled as the book NostroMareNostro by Michele Capasso.

The work is an oil painting of 150 cm X 100 cm representing a stylized “M” realized with natural materials from the Mediterranean land, as pebbles of the sea symbolizing "souls" and "faces".

“The meaning of the work – said the President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, awarding the artist - is a message of solidarity and union among the communities of the Mediterranean".

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Mediterranean Award "Diplomacy" 2009 to Ursula Plassnik

On April the 12th, in the Vesuvio Hall at Fondazione Mediterraneo (Via Depretis, 130 - near Municipio Square), Ursula Plassnik, Austrian Foreign Minister (2004-2008) received the “Mediterranean Award for Diplomacy 2009-2010”.

The jury
conferred, unanimously, the award to Minister Plassnik for promoting the Euro-Arab dialogue through diplomatic initiatives that may constitute a coalition of shared values and interests fully involving civil society.



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Mediterranean Award "Culture” 2010 to Università Telematica Pegaso

The Mediterranean Award for Culture 2010 has been assigned to Università Telematica "Pegaso" during a Ceremony at the Rai Auditorium in Naples.

Fondazione Mediterraneo assigned this award to Università Telematica Pegaso for being a focal point and for its innovation in international research and for being an instrument to promote dialogue among civilizations.

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The award ceremony of the "Mediterranean Prize for Culture 2006" took place in Algiers, in the presence of diplomats, journalists and "customers".
Among those present at the event were president Capasso and vice-president Arcidiacono of Fondazione Mediterraneo and director general of National Library of Algiers Amin Zaoui.
On this occasion, the memorandum of understanding for the "Library of Peace" in Naples was signed.

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Premio Mediterraneo "Medaglia d´Onore" 2005 all'Ordine degli Architetti di Napoli (EN)

The Awarding Ceremony of Mediterranean Award "Medal of Honour" 2005 took place at the Maison de la Méditerranée, and it was delivered to the Association of Architects in Naples. The award was bestowed to the President Paolo Pisciotta.

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Mediterranean Award "Culture” 2003 to Suzanne Mubarak and agreement for the Peace Library

On September 9th 2003 was held, at the Central Office of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, the solemn ceremony to award the Mediterranean Award Culture 2003 to H.E. Suzanne Mubarak for the essential role she had played in the realization of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
Among those present were Mr. Farouk Hosny, Egyptian Minister of Culture and Mr. Helmy Bedeir, Ambassador of Egypt to Italy. Mrs. Mubarak was welcomed by Mr. Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo; Mr. Antonio Bassolino, President of Regione Campania; Mr Claudio Azzolini Vice President of the Council of Europe, and by exponents of the international cultural world.
On this occasion, the agreement signed in June with the Alexandrina Library for the "Library of Peace" was ratified. SELF. Suzanne Mubarak and the President of the Campania Region Antonio Bassolino inaugurated the Library with its first endowment of 10.000 volumes.

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The Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina signed a permanent cooperation agreement to enhance the activities aiming at achieving one of the main objectives pursued through the realization of the so called “Fourth Pyramid”, that is the promotion of the protection and circulation of the book in the Mediterranean area.
Mr. Michele Capasso, president of the Foundation and Mr. Ismail Seragueldin, director of the Library, signed a protocol of permanent cooperation providing, among other things, for:

  • the creation in Naples of the "Library of Peace" with an initial endowment of 10,000 volumes in various languages. The Library will be inaugurated in September 2003 with the presence of President Mubarak and his wife Suzanne Mubarak, president of the Alexandrina Library..
  • lthe holding, every two years, of the Mediterranean Award in Egypt (the first outstanding candidate will be the Nobel Prize-Winner for literature Naguib Mahfouz).
  • the realization of an Encyclopaedia of the Mediterranean, the publishing of books, monographs and reviews in collaboration with the “Mediterranean and Alexandria Research Center”, created at the Library.
  • The organization of a Forum Euromed to discuss the theme “The Mediterranean City: its Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development”.

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