05 August 2015
The conference named “The strategic dimension of the Arab Military Force project” took place at the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research and was held by the General Dr. Saleh Lafi Al-Mayteh (prof. at Institute of National Defense for United Arab Emirates).
25 July 2015
In occasion of the Jovanotti show at San Paolo stadium has been paid homage to Pino Daniele: in the same place in which more than 20 years ago the concert of Pino, Lorenzo and Eros took place.
His friend Lorenzo and Eros, along with James Senese, paid homage to the great musician along with 50.000 people from the audience.
In this occasion Alessandro Daniele and Michele Capasso – president of Fondazione Mediterraneo –talked with Lorenzo (Jovanotti) and with the mayor de Magistris about the upcoming section of MAMT museum dedicated to the passed away artist. Jovanotti praised and supported the initiative.
25 July 2015
Three hundred people coming from different countries and involved in a challenge against the time: to finish in only 150 days the works of requalification and multimedia refunctionalization of MAMT museum, financed partly by the POR FESR 2007-2013.
“It is the twenty five anniversary of the Foundation – affirmed the president Capasso – thanks to which has been possible to realize this Museum of the Emotions. Thanks to the involvement of companies and important cultural and scientific exponents coming from different countries it will be possible to finish the works by the 2015, showing that will is power. And for the moment the operative meetings for the different sections are in course. Yesterday and today, 25 July, Paolo Borrometi and Alessandro Daniele (curator) joined to the meeting of MAMT museum for the sections “Pino Daniele” and “Legality”, about Sergio Pappalettera (multimedia tecnichal director) along with exponents of Italian and foreign industries who joined the works of multimedia requalification.
22 July 2015
Between the 22 and the 23 July 2015, for initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain and the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM), a high profile meeting about intercultural and interreligious dialogue took place in the Headquarters of UpM – in the historical palace of Pedralbes in Barcelona – in collaboration with European Union, Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF), Alliance of Civilizations of United Nations (AoC) and the Center for Intercultural and Interreligious D\ialogue King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz (KAICIID).
“This meeting- declared president Capasso – aimed to celebrate the 20 ° anniversary of the Barcelona Process along to increase the ongoing debate about neighbourhood European policy (PEV) and reply to the increasing importance given to the intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the Euro- Mediterranean as a strong tool in order to reach stability and peace, the struggle against intolerance and extremism and support the values of a pacific cohabitation. This meeting, - declared Capasso – represents an unique occasion in order to value tools and dialogue institutions; we need to reconsider the intercultural and interreligious dialogue as a central aim in the framework of a renewed multilateral politic in the Mediterranean; show a strategy of shared dialogue.
Fondazione Mediterraneo – said in conclusion Capasso – since the 1989 has been in service of the Euromediterranean Partnership becoming character of events, programs and several actions which has left a significant mark (from Euromed Cultural Forum to Euromediterranean Conferences, from Cultural Programs to those for immigration and solidarity).
Today, as 20 years ago, we need:
- Increase the awareness of the importance of intercultural and interreligious dialogue;
- Increase visibility and resources for program and tools for dialogue in the region;
- Establish a network of partners which aim to increase the effects of initiatives with synergies which complete themselves;
- Decide an action plan for future activities of the network, on the basis of a common plan and an agenda established upon concrete initiatives and network activities and useful to men and women of the Mediterranean.
Fondazione Mediterraneo will keep on working, as has done in 25 years, in order to support this essential peace and dialogue action”.
22 July 2015
The President of the Mediterranean Foundation Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari of the Governing Council intervened at the International Conference organized by ISPI.
This was the occasion of the twenty-year cooperation report between the Foundation and the Arab Republic of Egypt until the recent creation of the MAMT titolata section "EGYPT OF EMOTIONS".
For Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab, Italy and Egypt are tied by a common goal: "Our friendship is important. Terrorism and extremism are a danger to us all, together we will defeat and work for a better future for our two countries. " Mahlab then appealed to our country and the Western world, recalling the recent attack on the Italian Embassy in Cairo: "We need that Italy and all Western countries have neighbors to avoid becoming a target of terrorism, as evidenced by the last attack. Together we are stronger. "
20 July 2015
One-hundred fifty years of history. One century and half spent helping, rescue and save human lives. The General Captain Admiral celebrated this event through events held all over the country. The event held in Naples was really impressive and was lead by Admiral Antonio Basile, maritime director for Campania region: the square before the Maritime Station will named “Coast Guard Square”, in memorial off all the militaries dead in duty and in celebration of the continue engagement of the Army.
In the middle of the square Fondazione Mediterraneo donated to the Army of Port Captaincy- Coast Guard, in occasion of its 150° anniversary, the “Totem of Peace” by Molinari sculptor and which contains the urn of unknown Migrant, and donated also the “Mediterranean Award” for the indefatigable work of help and safeguard of human lives.
The president Capasso, in a message send to Admiral Angrisano and Admiral Basile affirmed to be flattered and proud to have given his support in order to spread the values of the Army and its noble mission.
18 July 2015
The prof. Gilles Kepel, one of the most important exponents of Arab world, will coordinate the MAMT museum section “ARAB PASSION”.
Books, finds and interviews will carry the visitor into a journey in which Arab world will be not only source of “sorrow” , but, mostly, an important resource for our future. During a meeting in the Headquarters of Museum in Naples has been decided the guidelines of the project.
16 July 2015
The Sicilian journalist Paolo Borrometi was appointed with the “Mediterranean Award 2015”.
Paolo Borrometi, graduated in law, is a journalist of Italian Journalistic Agency (AGI) and director of the journalistic website La Spia.it.
Borrometi is engaged for years in the struggle against the organized criminality and due to the several threats is compelled to live with bodyguards, and in the past was also victim of a physical aggression which caused a permanent damage to his shoulder.
The “Mediterranean Award” 2015 assigned to Borrometi was in the field of “Legality” and is dedicated to “Raffaele Capasso”.
Borrometi follows – among the others- Pino Daniele, Don Ciotti, Fondazione Caponnetto, Pietro Grasso and (to the memory) don Giuseppe Diana.
The engagement of Paolo Borrometi was highlighted- during a meeting with the Italian ambassador of San Marino Barbara Bergato – by the founder and president of Fondazione “Mediterraneo”, promoter of peace Michele Capasso, and by Salvatore Càlleri, president of Caponetto Foundation.
Paolo Borrometi thanked for the initiative and promoted the daily engagement for legality and contrast again all mafia.
16 July 2015
During the award ceremony of “Mediterranean Award” the journalist Paolo Borrometi, thanking for having been appointed of the award, called upon the importance of daily engagement in the anti mafia struggle.
Moreover, Borrometi, affirmed to be interested in collaborating with MAMT – Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Tradition of Naples, especially for what concerns the section dedicated to “The memory of Emotions”, in which video, reports and finds about mafia victims and who struggle with organized criminality will be collected.
16 July 2015
The conclusive ceremony of the 36th Training Anti -terrorism and Preparation to Job, for Inspectors, Supervisors and Customs Officers, took place in the “Monte Grappa” barracks, headquarters of the Orvieto Training and Specialization Centre of Financial Guard. The newly promoted Baschi Verdi solemnly wore the hat representing the military unit and its functions, at the presence of the Inspector for the Financial Guard Academies Gen. Giorgio Toschi, the Commander of the Centre Col. Giorgio Giombetti and civil and military High Authorities. During the ceremony, the salute was given to Col. Giombetti, which will leave the “Monte Grappa” barracks in the next few days, after have been in charge of the Centre for four years and will take up an important role at the General Command.
At the end of the ceremony of the 36th training course for green berets in Orvieto, president Michele Capasso along with Salvatore Calleri, president of the Caponnetto Foundation, communicated to the Inspector for the Financial Guard Academies Gen. Giorgio Toschi and the Commander of the Centre Col. Giorgio Giombetti the decision of the Jury of the Mediterranean Award to give the prize for Institution to the Baschi Verdi, in honour of their loyalty in the anti- terrorism struggle.
During its twenty years of existence, the prize has been given three times to an Italian Military Unit: “Military School Nunziatella” (2012), the Coast Guard (2014) and the Baschi Verdi of the Financial Guard” (2015).