03 May 2019
President Michele Capasso participated in the conference "The Carabinieri and the Italian identity" organized by the lawyer Mario Pavone and the "Federiciana Popular University".
03 May 2019
During the conference "The Carabinieri and the Italian identity" held in the museum complex of San Leucio, the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo prof. Michele Capasso announced the assignment by international juries of the prestigious "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD FOR INSTITUTIONS 2019" to the Carabinieri Weapon.
02 May 2019
Visitors from Vienna visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT expressing appreciation and admiration for the various sections of the Museum.
01 May 2019
President Michele Capasso - on the occasion of the study days of the Luciano Tavazza Association - visited the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Divino Amore, talking to the nuns and the religious of the sanctuary.
In particular, during the meeting the history of the place and the work of Don Umberto Terenzi, first Rector-Parish Priest of the Sanctuary and Founder of his Works, was retraced.
30 April 2019
The widow of Luciano Tavazza, Nilla Manzi, and the curator of the book Renato Frisanco gave Michele Capasso the work "Luciano Tavazza: a life of solidarity".
30 April 2019
Pasquale Gallifuoco, professor at the "L’Orientale" University, has donated precious volumes in Arabic by the geographer Al-Idrisi to the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
29 April 2019
The President of the Mediterranean Foundation Michele Capasso and the president of the Caponnetto Foundation Salvatore Calleri attended the study days on the theme of the United States of Europe for a new season of volunteering.
Sergio Tanzarella's conclusions addressed the theme "Do not globalize indifference, from the 'Laudato sì' the messianic indications to dare more fraternity".
28 April 2019
Numerous visitors from Germany and Italy visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT expressing appreciation and admiration for the various sections of the Museum.
25 April 2019
The Third Day of interreligious dialogue with the theme "Peace is Passion" was held in San Biagio - the FMA prayer community founded by Sister Maria Pia Giudici.
24 April 2019
The Fondazione Mediterraneo has collaborated in this edition of the "Med Blue Economy" which takes place in Gaeta from 24th April to 1 May 2019.
This event, conceived by the Italian Confederation for Economic Development (CISE) together with Eurispes and Universitas Mercatorum and sponsored - among others - by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies and by the Fondazione Mediterraneo it is a great laboratory and a great showcase for the economy of the sea.
Over 100 exhibitors present in the stands.
The demonstration was inaugurated in the presence of numerous authorities including the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and the President of the Council of State, Filippo Patroni Griffi.
"This project of ours is conceived on the basis of a 'Glocal' philosophy - highlighted the President of CISE Giosy Romano - that starting from the territories and their excellence wants to acquire an international dimension. We are convinced that our South has all the necessary resources, in terms of ideas and entrepreneurial qualities, to compete on an equal footing with the North, without having to take lessons from anyone”.