In 2005 the Fondazione Mediterraneo in partnership with the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures decided to launch a special category of the ‘Mediterranean Award’ entitled the Euro-Med Award for the Dialogue Between Cultures.

This decision was taken unanimously by the Heads of the 35 National Networks during the meeting held in Barcelona on the 27th of November 2005 to celebrate the “Year of the Mediteranean” and the tenth anniversary of the Euromed Partnership.

At the Maison de la Paix the Totem for Peace by Molinari was unveiled

On the occasion of the starting of activities of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture" the work by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari "Totem for Peace", symbol for the peace in the world, was inaugurated.

A red sail, symbol for journey and union, chosen by 187 countries in the world as an image of dialogue and union, created and made by the sculptor of colour, Mario Molinari. The work is displayed on the terrace of the Maison de la Paix, but soon it will also be at the Museo Diocesano in Naples, at the Theatre of San Carlo and in more meaningful places too.

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Mediterranean Award "Honour Medal" 2010 to Europarc Federation

The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso awarded the Mediterranean Award "Honour Medal" to the President of the Europarc Federation Erika Stanciu for the contribution given to the safeguard of nature and to the promotion of eco-sustainable and eco-compatible development.


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Mediterranean Award "Honour Medal" 2010 to Comune di Pescasseroli

The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso awarded the Mediterranean Award "Honour Medal" to the Mayor of Pescasseroli Nunzio Finamore for the contribution given to the realisation at Pescasseroli of the Totem of Peace created by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari.


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A branch of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture" in Rutino

At the end of the 6th Edition of “Angels and Devils” with the unveiling of the Totem of Peace, the Fondazione Mediterraneo – considering the Universal Forum of Cultures in 2013 – announced the opening of a branch of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture" in Rutino.

They aim at building a Campus for Peace hosting young people coming from difficult areas of the world in the historic residences and offering them the small ancient village and Cilento qualities, its ancient tastes and knowledge, its history and its memory.

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The flight of the Angel of Peace and a light beam towards the sky unveil the Totem for Peace

The top of the Totem for Peace, 16 metres high with its Red Sail, stands out against the sky of Cilento in a magic of lights and colours.

The citizens of Rutino are proud of their Totem for Peace and thankful to the Fondazione Mediterraneo for this chance of going down in history.

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The angel of peace opened the Red Sail of the Totem

With an evocative ceremony, "flying" on a cable at a height of 30 metres between the bell tower of the Church of San Michele Arcangelo and the top of the Totem for Peace, the little Rutino inhabitant Emilio Vinci – as an “Angel of Peace” – opened the unveiling ceremony of the monumental work located in the same square where the Proclamation of the Garibaldi insurrection was announced.

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The whole town celebrated the Totem for Peace

The whole town of Rutino celebrated the Totem for Peace that became, together with the Monumental Church, the distinction symbol of the town and the whole Cilento.


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First nominations for “ Peacekeepers"

At the end of the unveiling of the Totem for Peace, the Fondazione Mediterraneo nominated the first "Peacekeepers".

This title is conferred upon all those contributing to the building of the "Totems for Peace" over the world and the supporting of activities and the mission of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle culture".

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The Mayor of Ispica Piero Rustico visits the Maison de la Paix

The Mayor of Ispica Piero Rustico visited the Maison de la Paix and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, expressing his admiration for the high value of this institution and confirming the commitment of Ispica in the realization of the Totem of Peace.

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