The “Totem of Peace” at Thermae Pausilya

The ceremony of inauguration of the  “Totem of Peace” by the   sculptor Mario Molinari was held at Thermae Pausilya (Pausilya Thermal Baths).
Among those present - with Giovanni, Mario and Antonella Morra – the of Southern Italy Harbour Master Admiral Picone, the president of the Tribunal of Naples Carlo Alemi, the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, the vice president of the Province of Naples Gennaro Ferrara, the secretary general of the Port Authority Emilio Squillante, the secretary general of UCOI Michele di Gianni, the president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso with  Pia Molinari - responsible for the project “Totem of Peace across the World” - and Claudio Azzolini – responsible for institutional relations -,  professors Marco Salvatore and Dauphin Colemann, Emanuele and Luciana Vittorio, Rosario Bianco, the consuls of Venezuela, Malta, Albania, Cyprus, Pakistan and other representatives of the diplomatic and consular corps.
The totem was blessed by Don Antonio from the  Church of Santa Maria del Parto, with a particularly touching ceremony.

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the writer Alaa Al Aswani hands over the “Totem of Peace” to Mayor Luigi De Magistris

In the name of all the winners of the MEDITERRANEAN AWARD – 146 personalities from 43 countries, such as the Nobel prize-winners Naguib Mahfouz and Shirin Ebadi, Lea Rabin, Simon Peres, Queen Rania of Jordan, etc. , who have received this prestigious award - the Egyptian writer Alaa Al Aswani symbolically handed over the  “Totem of Peace”, by the  sculptor Mario Molinari, to the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, with the wish that one day  it will be possible to report of  a  “Neapolitan revolution” that can  give back to this city its role of great  European and  Mediterranean capital.

Naples le 14 septembre 2011
Alaa Al- Aswani


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Alaa Al Aswani and the book “Nostro Mare Nostro”

During a meeting in Naples, the writer Alaa Al Aswani stressed the importance of the book  “Nostro Mare Nostro” written by Michele Capasso.
“A unique testimony of true life, of personal experience.  A rare example of care for  common well-being ”.  These are Alaa Al Aswani’s words at the end of the meeting.

The book Nostro Mare Nostro

The press release



Presentation of Alaa Al Aswani’s Book “La Rivoluzione Egiziana”

During a meeting at Feltrinelli Bookshop in Naples there was the presentation of Alaa Al Aswani’s book “La rivoluzione egiziana” (The Egyptian Revolution), published by  Feltrinelli.
On that  occasion president Capasso recalled his long-standing friendship with the writer as well as the numerous battles carried out together in favour of freedom and democracy in Egypt and in Arab countries.

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The memory and the future: the South, the Mediterranean, the World

Round Tables with the  winners of the XXVII edition of the Award Sele d’Oro Mezzogiorno

The Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in the round table.

Supporting Citizenship and Meeting Minorities – Research on “Arab Springs and Northern-Western Italy” edited by Paralleli Institute in Turin

Within the framework of the Common Operation of Anna Lindh Foundation Italian Network Supporting Citizenship and Meeting Minorities, the Fondazione Mediterraneo has financed a study on ARAB SPRINGS AND NORTHERN-WESTERN ITALY: Perceptions, Doubts, Hopes.

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President Capasso among the promoters of the new Moroccan Constitution

President Michele Capasso, who has always supported the policy of democratic renewal in Morocco, is one of the promoters of the new constitution as well as “testimonial” of the Kingdom of Morocco.
“An epoch-making moment – says Mr. Capasso – which gives back to the Moroccan People the democratic role required to promote reforms and equality in shared  development”.

M. Capasso witnessing report

The text

The press release

Libya: the Fondazione Mediterraneo makes an appeal to the world

President Michele Capasso, together with  intellectuals, politicians and diplomats who are  members of  Fondazione Mediterraneo, launches an appeal to put an end to the massacres caused by Colonel Qaddafi’s folly .
“Thousands of innocent victims, especially children, are the result of the folly of a  dictator who – with the complicity of those who only pursue the ’”Love for Power and Money ” – is destroying his own people as well as violating human dignity”.
Press release

Supporting Citizenship and Meeting Minorities – Event “Revolutionary Bodies – both in art and in Arab Mediterranean Land”. Edited by “Carovana” Association – Sound Movement Image.

Within the framework of the Common Operation organized by the Italian Network of Anna Lindh Foundation  Supporting Citizenship and Meeting Minorities, the Fondazione Mediterraneo financed the events Revolutionary Bodies – both in art and in Arab Mediterranean land, edited by  “Carovana” Association – Sound Movement Image.
The project Revolutionary Bodies has been realized according to the aims of the Italian Network of Anna Lindh Foundation within the framework of the common operation  “Supporting citizenship, meeting minorities”.
The activities took place from 9th through 11th August at Berchidda, within the context of the Festival Time in Jazz, and from 6th through 9th August at  Asinara Island. They included: meetings, laboratories, film projections, installations and artistic performances.

The programme

The poster

The press release

Time in Jazz

Bodies Revolution

The press release (August 9) Time in Jazz

National Meeting ALF Italian Network

The National Meeting of the ALF Italian Network took place in Naples at Fondazione Mediterraneo.

President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso made an opening speech welcoming the participants, then Andreu Claret, Executive Director of the "Anna Lindh" Foundation intervened, in video-conference, illustrating the new ALF guidelines. Claret also congratulated the Italian Network for the quantity and the quality of the activities carried out.

Various proposals have been examinated including one to concentrate scarce resources on relevant initiatives useful to solve problems arised from the latest revolutions in Arab countries.

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