The Museum of Peace - MAMT, with its multimedia platforms, hosted the "International Sports Day for Development and Peace" which this year underlines the need to remain active despite the implementation of containment measures in many countries at the to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. It reminds us of the importance of values ​​such as solidarity, community and team spirit.
As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect more and more countries at an increasingly alarming rate, "social distancing" practices are becoming commonplace in an attempt to stem the spread of the virus. They have closed gyms, sports facilities and stadiums, public swimming pools, dance studios and playgrounds in many countries of the world, which means that many of us are no longer able to actively participate in individual or group sports or physical activities or to watch live sporting events. These new measures, although necessary, now represent significant challenges for the entire world sports community.
The "International Sports Day for Development and Peace" wants to encourage us this year to remain physically active despite the containment measures. This is an opportunity to remind us that we must not break off contact with our coaches, teammates or instructors, who can help us not only to stay in good physical shape, but also to maintain social ties.
The World Health Organization (WHO) typically recommends 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of sustained physical activity per week or a combination of both. Given the current situation, the WHO has given some advice on how to do it even without equipment and in a limited space. There are also a multitude of free and accessible online tools designed to encourage people of all ages and physical abilities to stay active and mobile even at home!
"Sport has the power to change the world, bring people together in an almost unique way and create hope where there was only despair," said Nelson Mandela. It is not only a fundamental right, but also a powerful tool to strengthen social ties and promote peace, as well as solidarity and respect. Sport is also essential for sustainable development because it allows us to live a healthy life and promote the well-being of all, at all ages, as underlined by objective 3 of sustainable development "Good health and well-being", highlighted by the United Nations during the month of April.
However, sport can help us maintain good health even in this confinement period. Thanks to new technologies, our unique individual skills and our collective power, we can mobilize online, use our creativity to help us and share useful tips to improve our health and well-being, through sport and physical activity also from our homes .
Before, during and after April 6, International Sports Day for Development and Peace, we ask everyone to commit themselves to remain active despite the various restrictions in place and to show solidarity during this period. One of the things we learn most through sport is team play. We now have the opportunity and duty to put it into practice on a global scale, doing our part to stay healthy.
"Only together can we stop the spread of COVID-19" said President

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