31 January 2018
Iniziative (EN) -
Totem for Peace
On the occasion of the Feast of St. Giovanni Bosco, the inauguration of the "Totem of Peace" by Molinari sculptor, took place at the oratory of the Santa Maria Mazzarello Institute in Torre Annunziata.
After the greetings of the director of the institute Sister Marianna, the Southern Deputy Inspector Sister Carla and the head of the oratory Sister Angela, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, the head of the project "Totem of Peace" Pia Molinari, the Mayor of Torre Annuziata Enzo Ascione and the priests Don Franco and Don Mario were present.
In particular, President Capasso underlined the relations with Torre Annunziata Municipality since 2013 and the commitment made to realize the monumental work "Totem of Peace" and initiatives in favor of abandoned children.
The initiative is part of the wider action of solidarity and aid that the Fondazione Mediterraneo has undertaken for the Oratory of the Mazzarello Institute in Torre Annunziata.
On this occasion the boys and girls of the Oratory performed in the musical performance "Vulessetruvà pace".
On the panel where the work "Totem of Peace" is located are reproduced the shapes of the hands of the boys who assume the commitment to be "builders of peace".