06 December 2024
Iniziative (EN) -
Maison de la Paix (EN)
Prof. Abdelhak Azzouzi - President of the Council of Ambassadors - presented a preview of the book "United States of the World. A History Truly of God", written by Prof. Michele Capasso, in which the highlights of the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo are recounted.
‘One thousand two hundred pages that will captivate you,’ Azzouzi said, “because they are our history, the history of men and women who, working together, enabled the development and birth of the United States of the World, alongside Michele Capasso”.
Many friends and protagonists of the book's pages were present: from André Azolulay, Advisor to King Mohammed VI, to Miguel Angel Moratinos, High Representative of the UNAOC (United Nations); from Mohamed Zinelabidine, former Minister of Culture of Tunisia, to Driss El Yazami, President of the CCME; from the Italian Ambassador in Rabat Armando Barucco to the President of the Euromed University of Fez Mostapha Bousmina.