16 October 2024
Iniziative (EN) -
Maison de la Paix (EN)
Secretary General Professor Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari had an affectionate meeting with Pope Francis.
On this occasion, the Holy Father was shown the path of the "United States of the World" and the importance of the "Constitution" based precisely on the encyclicals "Laudato sì" and "Fratelli tutti" promulgated by the Pontiff.
Secretary General Michele Capasso stressed "how an immense famine of love and joy is invading humanity, in the face of rampant selfishness that is destroying the fundamental values of life".
On this occasion, an original copy of the text of the "Constitution of the United States of the World" containing the rights and duties of the planet's inhabitants was dedicated to the Pope.
Pia Molinari offered the Pontiff a Spanish language copy of the magazine of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians ‘DMA’ and two copies of the magazine ‘OSUM’: the first, from March 2015, reports the visit of Pope Francis to the "Totem for Peace" containing the urn with the relics of the "Unknown Migrant" in the port of Naples; the second reports the appointment of "Ambassador to the memory" of Blessed Carlo Acutis and the appointment of many young "Standard Bearers", for the Earth and for Peace.
At the end of the meeting, the first copy of Michele Capasso's book "United States of the World. Una storia davvero di Dio" and a canvas bag made by the mothers of Gaza whose children were slaughtered in the ongoing conflict.