05 May 2022
Iniziative (EN) -
The Campania of Emotions
Presented in the auditorium of the Archaeological Museum of Naples the Directory of interventions financed by the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 Action 3.3.2. Cultural and creative enterprises (CCIs) are an essential tool for fuelling local development processes. As the European Commission has recognised, they play a crucial role in increasing the attractiveness of territories, since the promotion for commercial purposes and the development of cultural infrastructures and services favour sustainable and inclusive development processes.
It is on the basis of these considerations that the Campania Regional Council has approved the issuing of a specific public notice for the granting of incentives aimed at supporting businesses operating in the areas of 'Culture Production System' and 'New Products and Services for Cultural Tourism', with a total allocation of EUR 15.5 million, to be allocated from the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020. The maximum amount of the contribution granted was, for the first sphere, 80 per cent of the eligible expenses, and for the second, 60 per cent of the expenses; the maximum amount of the contribution granted is EUR 200,000.
The action therefore made it possible both to support existing enterprises operating in the cultural sector, aiming at strengthening them and renewing their entrepreneurial base, and to nurture new enterprises engaged in technological experimentation or with other sectors such as manufacturing and tourism.
Among the co-financed projects is 'THE CAMPANIA OF EMOTIONS' by the Fondazione Mediterraneo per il Museum of Peace - MAMT.