27 May 2021
Iniziative (EN) -
The Campania of Emotions
After an intense work of external filming with drones and high definition cinematographic cameras and an accurate post-production work, the 36 videos in three languages of the program "LA CAMPANIA DELLE EMOZIONI" - co-financed by the Campania Region within the framework of the ERDF 2014 - 2020 (SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 3.3. - ACTION 3.3.2 - CUP B62I18000620007).
The companies "Rinaldi Rosanna" and "4 Movies s.r.l." they have made every effort and professionalism to achieve the creation of a product of the highest quality, consistent with the emotional videos of the Museum of Peace - MAMT: themselves "the emotional heritage of humanity".
The testimonies of the operators confirm what has been achieved.