14 September 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Maison des Alliances (EN)
To promote culture as an instrument to allow men and women to have access to the world and to knowledge, providing them with the means to express their aspirations and to construct a dialogue which is indispensable for the future of European and Arab peoples.
To carry out activities which valorize the contribution given by the different cultures to shared heritage and knowledge, highlighting the potentialities of the exchange of experiences and spreading the awareness of the mutual influences that have nourished traditions, uses and habits in order to realize a new Humanism as a basis for the understanding among European Peoples and the Arab World.
To facilitate the cooperation between Institutions, Research Centers, Universities and organisms in order to update knowledge and to carry out joint initiatives aiming at struggling against prejudice and at disseminating innovations of thought and sciences as well as the examples of good practices related to new technologies applied to sustainable development.
To promote studies and experiences meant to facilitate the coexistence and interaction of persons and groups having different cultural backgrounds.
To promote, systematically, information and communication about the different initiatives undertaken for the cooperation between Europe and the Arab World in order to avoid duplications and waste of resources.