09 November 2017
Iniziative (EN) -
Don Bosco - Power of Love
In presence of general Superiora of the institute of Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice (FMA), Mother Yvonne Reungoat, accompanied by the Inspector Suor Maria Rosaria Tagliaferri and proponents of Southern Province of FMA ( coming from southern Italy, Albania and Malta) took place the solemn ceremony of blessing room dedicated to Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello, founder of FMA, at the Museum of Peace – MAMT.
Don Mario Maritano, SDB, preside over the ceremony of blessing.
Madre Yvonne said words of appreciation for Fondazione Mediterraneo and president Capasso for the room which completing the Salesian family, beside the presence of Don Bosco at the Museum of Peace. Here, indeed, will be usable video, testimonies and documents of the FMA’s institute, present in 93 countries of the world.