25 May 2017
Iniziative (EN) -
Don Bosco - Power of Love
A meeting with the headmaster and director of the Don Bosco Centre in Naples, Don Mario Delpiano, took place at the Fondazione Mediterraneo headquarters, during which the aims of the Valdocco project were explained, which since 2004 proposes an integrated experimentation programme for social inclusion and the fight against evasion, expulsion and early school leaving in pre-adolescence and adolescence.
President Capasso has assured the full support of the Fondazione Mediterraneo to continue this indispensable initiative, which constitutes a "strong signal" in a reality such as Naples, where the 50 children hosted in the school would be candidates to follow the path of crime and illegality.
For the event that will take place on May 31 at the Salesian Menichini Institute, President Capasso donated a chocolate egg with the surprise of football players Naples.