13 September 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Maison de la Méditerranée (EN)
The major asset of the Maison de la Méditerranée is represented by a relational area embracing all the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that has been shaped over the years through the formal adhesion of:
Institutions and bodies belonging to the Countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that can be invited - through telematic infrastructures and through the actions implemented by the Fondazione Mediterraneo - to join an active partnership regarding the concrete transformation processes of the Euro-Mediterranean scenario.
The proposal of such a partnership has turned out to be highly successful not only in the Mediterranean partners countries, but also in the communities of Southern Europe and mainly Southern Italy.
It is intended as a strategic network for the organization and the actual development of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Each of the convened institutions is in fact a circuit of relations ready to be active, to assemble in a single network men and women, politicians, officials and experts in order to identify , arrange and foresee the implementation of development plans for the common good. This allows all partners of the concerned countries to play an active role in the decision-making and leadership of the process.
The associative methodology of the Euro-partnership proposed by the MdM is strongly inspired by the idea of “ factual democracy” : recognizing (rather than opposing) the right of initiative for each member capable of putting forward new proposals, to the point of promoting the birth, within the network itself, of other leading institutions. These, in turn, can autonomously undertake cultural and institutional initiatives that, later on, will be part of the wider MdM circuit, in order to increase the operational and financial strength of its actions as well as the extent of the enhancement- utilization circuits.