MAMT||Museo Mediterraneo dell' Arte, della Musica e delle Tradizioni (EN)

"For a society to go well, to move forward in progress, in the exaltation of the values of the family, of the spirit, of goodness, of friendship, for it to flourish without contrasts between the various consociates, to set out serenely on the path towards a better tomorrow, it is enough for each one to do his or her duty".
With these words by Giovanni Falcone, Secretary-General Michele Capasso and Senator Giuseppe Lumia opened a day of commemoration and commitment that saw the United States of the World headquarters and the Museum of Peace take centre stage with the participation of many young people.
"1992, said Lumia, was the bloodiest year of the Mafia offensive against State institutions. The Mafia killed Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, the two magistrates most active in the fight against Cosa Nostra. In the Capaci massacre, which took place exactly 32 years ago, Falcone was killed along with his wife, Francesca Morvillo, and the three men of his escort, Rocco Di Cillo, Vito Schifani, and Antonio Montinaro; in the Via D'Amelio massacre in Palermo, Borsellino and the five men of his escort, Emanuela Loi, Agostino Catalano, Vincenzo Li Muli, Walter Eddie Cosina, and Claudio Traina, lost their lives".

"Since 2000,’ says Capasso, ‘every year, on 23 May, we celebrate Legality Day, aimed at commemorating the victims of all mafias and those who have fought for legality, sometimes giving their lives. The aim of the Day is to remind everyone that, for a better society, it is necessary to fight against the mafia every day, throughout Italy. The Anti-Mafia Summits that the United States of the World (with the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the Fondazione Caponnetto and OMCOM) co-organise are the testimony of concrete action for legality against all mafias".
"Giovanni Falcone - Lumia concludes - is, together with Borsellino, the symbol of the State's fight against the mafia. Falcone was an Italian magistrate, a man of the State who dedicated his life to the fight against the Mafia. A rigorous investigator with extraordinary intuition, at a time when the existence of Cosa Nostra was denied, he understood its military danger and its ability to penetrate all sectors of society. Pioneer of a method of investigation that has become a model in the world, which saw in pool work, in the now famous ‘follow the money’ and in international judicial cooperation its cornerstones, he set up, together with his colleague Paolo Borsellino, the first maxi-trial against the cosche, unhinging the myth of an invincible mafia.".
Pioneer of a method of investigation that has become a model in the world, which saw in pool work, in the now famous "follow the money"and in international judicial cooperation its cornerstones, he set up, together with his colleague Paolo Borsellino, the first maxi-trial against the gangs, shattering the myth of an invincible mafia.