03 September 2017
Iniziative (EN) -
Kimiyya (EN)
Apply now to participate in the Anna Lindh Foundation cross-network activity on the theme of "intercultural cities" with ALF civil society members from at least 7 Euro-Med countries (Sweden, Finland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Israel).
The Forum will focus on the following 4 themes:
The programme includes thematic plenary sessions, good practices sharing, networking fair, cultural events, etc.
Flight and accommodation are covered by organisers.
Among other things, the Secretary General of the Mediterranean Union Fatallah Sijilmassi spoke. On this occasion, the Fondazione Mediterraneo presented the interplay "Kimiyya. The Women Actresses of Dialogue "and the project" The Cities of Dialogue "elaborated by the" Anna Lindh Italia Onlus Federation ". The project gained the membership of the leading national Networks of the FAL and was illustrated by Prof.arch. Luciana De Rosa.