Complete Lest || of events

The Museum of Peace - MAMT remembers Pino Daniele three years after his death. With the entire floor dedicated to "Pino Daniele Alive" is an immersion between personal objects, videos, recordings, instruments and new tools that welcome the visitor in a unique and extraordinary emotional journey.

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Amanda Bonini, last partner of Pino Daniele, accompanied by her daughter Eleonora visited the Peace Museum and the section dedicated to "Pino Daniele Alive".
A journey between intense emotions and memories.
It was she who accompanied Pino - together with her son Alessandro - on her last visit to the Museum on December 18,2014, when the agreement with President Capasso was ratified for the realization of the section dedicated to the great musician.
Pino would be happy ", he said," because a space as he had imagined was created.
Thank you for your unique emotions!”.

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Continue at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples the review "The Museums today: issues of protection, conservation, education and management": a series of meetings in memory of Gerardo Marotta by the Institute of Art History of the same Academy , coordinated by Viviana Farina.
The professors of the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples assist the speakers by animating the dialogue on the topics covered: on this occasion the proff. Michele Capasso (President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace) and Massimo Pica Ciamarra (Coordinator of the project of the Foundation "The cities of dialogue").
The topics covered (with videos and multimedia documents) were: The Museum of Peace - MAMT: emotions for young producers of the future and what future for the city of dialogue.Present at the meeting the director of the Museum of Peace - MAMT Pia Molinari.The works were introduced by the Director of the Academy of Fine Arts prof. Giuseppe Gaeta.On this occasion the prof. Michele Capasso recalled the affectionate bond with the lawyer. Marotta and her appreciation for the nascent Peace Museum - MAMT.

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Valentina, wife of the late Rino Zurzolo - musician and inseparable friend of Pino Daniele - took to the Museum of Peace - MAMT, in the study of the "Pino Daniele Alive" section, the classic bass and other Rino instruments that recall the beautiful moments in which he performed with Pino Daniele. An exciting moment to remember the bass player, the musician and the teacher of the Conservatory.

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