Complete Lest || of events

The participants in the "Focus Youth Workers", accompanied by the Councilor for Youth Policies of the Campania Region Serena Angioli, visited the Peace Museum - MAMT expressing appreciation for this unique place.

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Great appreciation of visitors to the Museum of Peace - MAMT on the occasion of the "WEEKEND OF CULTURE" - supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Naples and by "Si-impresa" - to the section dedicated to the architect Vittorio Di Pace: died at the age of 107 years has always shown the joy for life, for peace and for the construction of cities and "man-sized" architectures.

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Grande appréciation des visiteurs du Musée de la Paix - MAMT à l'occasion du "WEEK-END DE LA CULTURE" soutenu par la Chambre de Commerce de Naples et par "Si-impresa".
En 300, venant de 36 pays, ils ont visité les diverses parcours émotionnels du Musée pendant plusieurs heures, croisant l'histoire, les cultures, les religions et le destin.
En conclusion, tous ont exprimé leur reconnaissance pour cette initiative conjointe de la Chambre de commerce de Naples et de la Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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Over 400 visitors from 36 countries of the world visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT - on the occasion of the "WEEKEND OF CULTURE" supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Naples and "Si-impresa" - and, in particular, the section dedicated to Mario Molinari "Sculptor of Color".
The visit began in the port of Naples where the monumental work "Totem of Peace" with the relics of the "Unknown Migrant" was realized and continued at the Museum with the many works of the Turin sculptor and the wonderful images of the "House-Museum" of Turin.

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