Complete Lest || of events

Unanimous solidarity was expressed to the journalist Paolo Borrometi by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museo della Pace - MAMT on the occasion of the 24th anti-mafia summit.

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Mustapha Bakkoury - president of the Casablanca Region and president of  "Moroccan Solar Energy Agency" - supports the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
During a visit and a meeting with President Capasso he expressed his pleasure for the initiative and proposed to build a museum in Casablanca in the Region Palace.

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The list of 40 partner countries of the Museum of Peace - MAMT is extended. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain join the initiative and soon there will be spaces dedicated to the two Gulf countries.
To announce it the president Michele Capasso, S.E. Saqer Nasser Alraisi (Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Rome) and S.E. Cheikh Khaled bin Khalifa Al Khalifa (Director of the ISA Center of Bahrain).

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