Complete Lest || of events

The Museum of Peace - MAMT welcomes athletes from 170 countries for the XXX Universiade. The first delegations visiting the Museum expressed their appreciation for a unique place where they enjoy the thrills of sport as an instrument of peace.
In the 5 floors of the museum, on the large videowall screens, all the live broadcasts of the various sports disciplines.

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Charles-Ferdinand Notomb, former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, visited the Peace Museum - MAMT with his wife Michelle.
Accepted by President Capasso, he expressed appreciation for the section dedicated to Mario Molinari, the sculptor of color, much appreciated in Belgium with his monumental works: among all that of the port of ZeeBrugge.

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Great turnout of public at the Peace Museum - MAMT for the live broadcast with the Jesuit Theological University where Pope Francis presented a report on the theme of context theology in the Mediterranean.
Previously, the Pope expressed his appreciation for the book "Nostro Mare Nostro" by President Michele Capasso with a preface by Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT has opened its doors for the WORLD REFUGEE DAY through the emotional paths "VOCI DEI MIGRANTI".
On 20 June each year the World Refugee Day is celebrated all over the world, an annual event organized by the UN General Assembly, which aims to raise awareness among the public about the condition of millions of refugees and asylum seekers who, forced to flee from wars and violence, leave their loved ones, their homes and all that once was part of their lives. And above all, invite you to never forget that behind each of them there is a story that deserves to be heard. Stories of suffering, of humiliations but also of those who managed to rebuild their own future, bringing their own contribution to the society that welcomed it.
To pursue this goal, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) continues the #WithRefugees campaign, which aims to give visibility to expressions of solidarity towards refugees, amplifying the voice of those who welcome and strengthening the meeting between local communities and refugees and asylum seekers.
#WithRefugees is also a petition, with which UNHCR asks governments to ensure that every refugee child has an education, that every refugee family has a safe place to live, that every refugee can work or acquire new skills to give his contribution to the community. The true petition presented to the UN Assembly by the end of 2018 on the occasion of the adoption of the Global Compact for refugees.
The petition, the stories of refugees and refugees, the solidarity testimonies of representatives of the world of culture, sport and entertainment, and the list and information on the main initiatives planned throughout the country are available on the website of the campaign
Among the events of celebration of World Refugee Day, which will culminate on Thursday 20 June, but will continue until the end of the month, the meetings and emotional trails of the Museum of Peace - MAMT that have attracted hundreds of visitors and sensitized young people on this topic that "will affect our future if not solved with the values ​​of humanity, acceptance and coexistence. Today, being on the side of refugees is not only an act of humanity, it is above all also an act of courage", said President Michele Capasso.

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