Complete Lest || of events

In national preview at the Museum of Peace - MAMT the stamp that Poste Italiane dedicated to Pino Daniele was presented.
Enrico Menegazzo, head of commercial philately of Poste Italiane, took part; Michele Capasso, president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo; Alessandro Daniele, president of Pino Daniele Trust Onlus; Pasquale Scialò, professor at the Conservatory of Naples; Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Academy of the Mediterranean.
At the end of the event the participants visited the Museum and the section dedicated to
“Pino Daniele Alive”.

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Students and professors of the "Carlo Urbani" State Scientific High School in San Giorgio a Cremano visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
The president Michele Capasso welcomed the manager Mariarosaria De Luca, the teachers and the students guiding them in an emotional journey of the Museum.
On this occasion Alessandro Daniele, son of the late musician, illustrated the section dedicated to
Pino Daniele Alive”.

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Great influx of young people and migrants to Museum of Peace to celebrate the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, wanted by the Church since 1914. It has always been an opportunity to show concern for the different categories of vulnerable people on the move, to pray for challenges and raising awareness of the opportunities offered by migration.
Pope Francis chose the theme "It's not just about migrants" to show us our weaknesses and make sure no one is left out of society, whether it's a long-time resident citizen, or a newcomer.
President Capasso recalled the thirty-year commitment of the Mediterranean Foundation and its staff in favor of migrants, summarized in the Museum's emotional journey entitled "Voices of Migrants".
Moments of prayer with the celebration of Holy Mass took place on the ground floor of the Museum in the Chapels dedicated to Don Bosco, Mother Mazzarello, Padre Pio, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Pope Giovanni Paolo II.
The Islamic communities have held moments of common prayer in the Peace Museum Mosque

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