Complete Lest || of events

The MECA Group, in collaboration with the Tourism Secretariat of the Government of Campeche, Puerto Vallarta, Caribe Mexicano and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, held a seminar on Mexico divided into 3 parts:

  1. Mexico City, the pre-Columbian era and the Mayan Riviera.
  2. Colonial Mexico, Puerto Vallarta and the Nayarit Riviera.
  3. Barranca del Cobre and Baja California

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT celebrates the day dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Italy.
Videos, documents and testimonies welcomed the many visitors who wanted to witness the affection and faith in the Saint who made humility and dialogue the fundamental pillars of his life and an example for all.
On the ground floor of the Museum many young people attend Holy Mass in honor of the Saint of Assisi

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Some Poste Italiane executives - Enrico Menegazzo, Roberta Sarrantonio, Giacomo Bonsignore, Mariagrazia Paris - visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso, guests viewed some emotional videos on the beauties of Campania and the various Mediterranean countries and the section dedicated to Pino Danile Alive where Alessandro and Cristina Daniele illustrated the fundamental stages of the artistic and personal life of the deceased musician

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The ceremony of the first philatelic cancellation of the stamp dedicated to Pino Daniele took place at the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Enrico Menegazzo - head of commercial philately of Poste Italiane - with Michele Capasso, Alessandro Daniele and Pasquale Scialò canceled the first copy of the stamp that Poste Italiane dedicated to
Pino Daniele.

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