Complete Lest || of events

The professor. Mohamed El-Aziz Ben Achour, former Minister of Culture and Heritage Protection and Director General of ALECSO, signs the Appeal addressed to the Italian Government to ensure the Naples headquarters of Palazzo Pierce for the Museum of Peace - MAMT and other international institutions, including the "House of the Arab Maghreb" which he inaugurated in July 2012.

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The King of Morocco Mohammed VI has supported the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Museum of Peace - MAMT since 2000.
The branch of Marrakech was established under His High Patronage, preceded by that of the late Re Hassan II.
"In his message he writes:
We consider the creation of the House of the Mediterranean with the Peace Museum - MAMT, here in the secular city of Naples, as a milestone here to reinforce the great edifice erected at the service of the interaction of civilizations, an interaction that its Honorable Fondazione Mediterraneo cede de foster with care and perseverance...
We reiterate our support for the noble goals you have been assigned and we express our thanks".

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The meeting of the International Committee (CI) of the United States of the World and of the Museum of Peace - MAMT took place in Tunis, under the joint chairmanship of Faiza Kefi and Nadir Aziza.
The only issue on the agenda is the unsolved problem of the Naples headquarters of the Peace Museum - MAMT.
On this topic, the CI resolved to request the Italian Government - for the parts of the building owned by the State Property Agency - to define the commitments undertaken in Marseille on 6 July 2000 and ratified by Law 111/2001. In detail:

  • The granting of additional buildings to the Palazzo Pierce to complete the museum system, to guarantee the safety and uniqueness of the access staircase from Via Depretis 130 and for the completion of the "Italy to be discovered" program.
  • The reunification of existing concessions with new ones.
  • The application of the recognition fee or of the gratuity.
  • The application of the equivalent duration to the portions of property granted by the Campania Region for the parts of its competence (99years).

On this occasion an Appeal was drawn up which, in addition to having been unanimously signed by all those present, will be proposed in various international forums and, in particular, in the museum's partner countries.
The CI has appointed the legal representative of the implementing body - the Fondazione Mediterraneo - to send a copy of the appeal to the ministers Franceschini and Gualtieri.
Finally, the CI decided to publish the main documents and part of the correspondence.
On this occasion, certificates of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded to experts on migration from various countries.

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Ministers, delegates, intellectuals and representatives of civil society from various Euro-Mediterranean countries have signed the Appeal for the protection of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples. The requests in detail are:

  • The granting of additional buildings to the Palazzo Pierce to complete the museum system, to guarantee the safety and uniqueness of the access staircase from Via Depretis 130 and for the completion of the "Italy to be discovered" program:
  • The reunification of existing concessions with new ones.
  • The application of the recognition fee or of the gratuity.
  • The application of the equivalent duration to the portions of property granted by the Campania Region for the parts of its competence (99years).

On this occasion an Appeal was drawn up which, in addition to having been unanimously signed by all those present, will be proposed in various international forums and, in particular, in the museum's partner countries.
The subscribers have appointed the legal representative of the implementing body - the Fondazione Mediterraneo - to send a copy of the appeal to the ministers Franceschini and Gualtieri and to the president of the Campania Region De Luca.

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President Michele Capasso participated in the 5th International Colloquium "The Mediterranean: reality, challenges and perspectives" organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Forum of the Political Academy.
The professor. Capasso chaired the Fourth scientific session dedicated to "Demographic and economic challenges" and took part in the sixth scientific session dedicated to "The Mediterranean of culture" with the report entitled "2020-2050: the Great Mediterranean in geostrategic mutations".
The participants in the opening session, attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Khemaies Jhinaoui, unanimously signed the Appeal of the International Executive Committee of the Museum of Peace - MAMT with which the Italian authorities are requested to guarantee the permanence of the Museum - heritage of humanity - in Naples.

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