Complete Lest || of events

Ambassador Hatem Atallah, former ambassador to Washington and executive director of the Anna Lindh Foundation, subscribes to the appeal addressed to the Italian government to ensure the Naples headquarters of Palazzo Pierce for the Museum of Peace - MAMT and other international institutions, including the " Documentation Center of the Anna Lindh Foundation ”, inaugurated by European Commissioners and by President Elisabeth Guigou.

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Habib Ben Yahia, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Generation Secretary of the Arab Maghreb Union, signed the Appeal for the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples, so that it can be guaranteed permanence for 99 years as per international commitments.
Ben Yahia underlined the importance of the "CASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO" which is located on the ground floor of the Museum and inaugurated by him in July 2012
in the presence of Ministers and representatives of the Arab Maghreb countries.

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President Michele Capasso had a cordial meeting with the Minister of national education of Tunisia, Hatem Ben Salem, thanking him for his support for the appeal for the Museum of Peace - MAMT so that the headquarters would remain in Naples as per international agreements.
On this occasion it was agreed to launch a program entitled "The Mediterranean of schools", intended for students from various countries in order to carry out twinning and exchanges of knowledge and examples of good practice.
President Capasso dedicated a copy of the book "La Grande Méditerranée" to Minister Hatem Ben Salem.

President Michele Capasso had a cordial meeting with the Foreign Minister of Tunisia, Khemaies Jhinaoui, thanking him for the citation in the introduction to the interview of the book "La Grande Méditerranée" and for the support to the appeal for the Museum of Peace - MAMT so that the headquarters remains in Naples as per international agreements made by the Italian government in the year 2000.
On this occasion the invitation to inaugurate the Tunisia Hall of the Museum of Peace - MAMT was addressed to the Minister and newly elected president of Tunisia, Kaïs Saïed

President Michele Capasso and other members of the International Executive Committee of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace - MAMT participated in various events of the 2019 edition of the "Journées Cinematographiques de Carthage - Carthage Film Festival", held at the “Cité de la culture” and in other significant places.
Marco Bellocchio is among the Italian guests.

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