Complete Lest || of events

Senator Luigi Zanda Loy, welcomed by President Capasso and accompanied by Senator Lumia, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
On this occasion, Senator Zanda - one of the first signatories of the parliamentary question to safeguard the seat of the Museum in the Palazzo Pierce in Naples - expressed satisfaction with the Appeal signed at international level by Heads of State and Government and representatives of the various countries.
President Capasso, during the visit to the "Memories" section, recalled an episode that involved the parent Raffaele with the father of Senator Zanda, at the time Chief of Police, showing the correspondence exchanges of 1973

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President Michele Capasso had a cordial meeting with Sister Mira, General Councilor of the figlie of Maria Ausiliatrice of Christians, who was visiting the "Maria Ausiliatrice Institute" in Vomero (Naples).
During the meeting the itinerary that led to the realization at the Museum of Peace - MAMT of the Salesian Oratory with the Chapel dedicated to Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello was retraced.
President Capasso donated the book "Nostro Mare Nostro" and a bag made by Syrian women whose children were killed by the madness of the fratricidal war

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Many Muslim faithful in the Mosque of Museum of Peace - MAMT for the anniversary of the birth of the prophet Muhammad: the Mawlid al-Nabī.Mawlid
(Arabic: مولد, mawlid), also called Maulid, Mulid, Mouloud etc., is an Islamic day that celebrates the birth day of a holy person. In particular we honor the date of birth of the prophet Muhammad which occurs on the 12th of the lunar month of Rabi 'al-awwal: in 2019, for the 1441 anniversary, the day is November 9th 2019.
On this occasion, many Tunisians offered Assida: the dessert that is prepared precisely on the anniversary of the birth of Muhammad.

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Large number of visitors to the Museum of Peace to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Among the videos projected "Berlin: escape for freedom". A significant moment was the testimony of the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, who was present in Berlin on 9 November 1989:
"I still have vividly in my mind that moment when I fervently hoped that the dream of the United States of the World - born from an intuition of the great Gustavo Rol in 1987 - and, in this context, of the United States of Europe and the Greater Mediterranean, could be realised. Since then, after symbolically hitting that Wall with a rudimentary hammer together with thousands of young people, my commitment has never stopped and will always be constant because peace does not need ways to be sought every time to achieve it: PEACE IS THE ONLY WAY to the salvation of humanity. The United States of Europe, enlarged to include Russia and Turkey, is an insurance policy for REAL PEACE; but today Europe is asleep, it does not understand its own history and the risk of a new war at the initiative of Russia is just around the corner".

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