Complete Lest || of events

Accompanied by President Michele Capasso, Pino Daniele's "fellow travelers"Tullio De Piscopo, Elisabetta Serio, Ciccio Merolla, Valentina and Leandro Zurzolo – visited the "Pino Daniele Alive" section of the Museum, retracing the main stages of a story common.
Great emotions interspersed with Tullio's performances and some “incursions” by the great Antonio De Curtis, prince-poet: a testimony to the greatness of a city like Naples that gave birth to unforgettable characters: from Pino Daniele to Totò, from
Massimo Troisi to Renato Carosone.

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The presentation of the book “Rino Zurzolo was held in the Music Room of the Museum of Peace - MAMT. Tecnica a dita sciolte per contrabasso”.
After the addresses of greetings and the memory of the president Michele Capasso and the mayor of Naples
Luigi De Magistris, intervened Valentina Crimaldi Zurzolo, Livia and Leandro Zurzolo, Francesco Cirillo, Bruno Crimaldi, Tullio De Piscopo, Ciccio Merolla, Valerio Mola, Roberto Panucci, Elisabetta Serio.
On this occasion, musical pieces dedicated to Rino Zurzolo were presented by Valentina Crimaldi Zurzolo (flute), Elisabetta Serio (piano) and Ciccio Merolla (percussion).

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President Michele Capasso with other members of the International Executive Committee handed over to the Mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris, visiting the Museum, a copy of the Appeal signed in various countries and the parliamentary questions presented to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies to maintain the home of the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples in the Pierce Palace.
Those present - including musicians and friends of Pino Daniele - shared the appeal hoping that a unique place in the world of great ethno-anthropological demo value could be maintained in the Palazzo Pierce (a portion was put up for sale by the Agency of Demanio): in particular the extraordinary importance of the section dedicated to Pino Daniele, personally realized by the great musician who died together with the president Capasso and his son Alessandro, was underlined

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