Complete Lest || of events

On the first day of the year 2020, the events concerning the most significant anniversaries that see the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Museum of Peace begin.
The first is dedicated to the fortieth anniversary of the death of Pietro Nenni.
Many visitors and socialist comrades intervened in the multimedia rooms of the Museum where - in the section "The great protagonists of history" - videos, images and documents of the great socialist are available.
President Capasso, moved, remembered the many meetings with Pietro Nenni in Formia and in Rome: starting from the first, in 1959, when the then secretary of the PSI inaugurated the section of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio and embraced his "Raffaele" , mayor and socialist who honored the party and Italy.
In that photo, at the age of 6, President Capasso appears alongside his father Raffaele and Pietro Nenni.
In all the turning points and policies of the Socialist Party, from 1922 to 1969, there is its mark. History of a leader with few equals in the history of this country: socialist, Jacobin and statesman. Rarely has a party identified itself as its leader, as happened to the PSI with Pietro Nenni. In all the turning points and policies of the Socialist Party, from 1922 to 1969, there is its mark. And today, January 1, 2020, the fortieth anniversary of his death, which took place on the night between December 31, 1979 and January 1, 1980, falls, the politician who most wanted and fought for the Republic.

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2019 closes with over 10.000 visitors at the "Museum of emotions". But, in addition to these presences, the Museum and the international institutions located in the Palazzo Pierce hosted over 150 international and national meetings in the 24 conference rooms, which saw the participation of about 12,000 participants from Italy and various countries of the world.
Considering the costs assumed by each participant for travel, accommodation, local and various expenses, the significant contribution of the Museum and international institutions to the economy of Naples and Campania can be understood.
A virtuous example of economic development through cultural enhancement.
Below is a selection of images and events hosted

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The award ceremony of the Sci Club Napoli, chaired by Roberta Cataldi, took place at the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Great joy for the little skiers who have won prizes in the various sports.
On this occasion the video on the Museum was presented, on "Campania of emotions" and a guided tour was carried out on the main emotional paths of the Museum

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